Sunday, March 29, 2015

Thoughts on the ending of Aldnoah Zero

I may or may not do a full review on this, but I'd like to address a few things about the ending. I've seen a lot of people trashing this ending, saying that it ruined the show. Honestly I can see why. The climax was low stakes, no-one freaking died (spoilers), and most importantly Asseylum not only didn't chose Inaho as her flagship, but married a guy introduced a literal two episodes prior. I agree that from a viewer's perspective it wasn't the climax I was hoping for, but I think that it made sense in terms of where the story was going. The moment Asseylum made her speech Slaine knew he had lost control over the orbital knights. Even if he managed to survive the battle his forces would be weakened so severely, he would never be able to maintain this 'new empire'. At this point his dream would do more harm than good. So he wants to die. Where's the best place to die—on the battlefield. That's what the stakes were to me—akin to wanting to go out with a bang. I think it's an interesting way to end the series, on an anti-climax rather than a grand finale. As for the whole no-one died, yeah not going to argue with anyone there. While not realistic, perhaps, I didn't mind it so much. It would have been equally as unrealistic to have everyone lose all plot armor at the end. For me, it's a problem the series as a whole had, not a problem relegated to the ending. 

I'm going to dedicate a whole paragraph to this one because I think this is the one most people have a problem with. First off let's address Asseylum's decision to marry whatisface. I strongly disagree that this move makes the show bad. In fact I would argue that Asseylum's choice is a step in the right direction. Here's why: Throughout the majority of the series I felt that princess Asseylum was just that—a princess. She was always in need of rescue, and felt like that sort of peace loving Marina Ismail we've all seen before. I never really cared about her honestly (maybe this is why I don't care so much about the shipping falling through). This decision changed my view of her as a side character/ plot device into an integral part of the show. Her decision to marry to someone she doesn't love in order to maintain her ideals shows the strength of her conviction. She really transformed from a princess into an empress; from a tool used by other to someone who takes control of their own destiny.

I think it's important to distinguish a bad ending from a non-ideal ending. The ideal ending would've had Slaine sticking to his guns the entire time, with Asseylum riding out with Inaho to try to talk some sense into him while the orbital knights destroyed the Earth. Slaine would've realized he was wrong just before the killing blow, but it would be too late. Without a leader, the orbital knights would have stopped fighting, Inaho and Asseylum would've gotten married, happy ever after. While a much more satisfying ending for many, I would argue that an ending similar to the one I've described wouldn't be better than the one we got (not worse necessarily, but not better)

Whatever the case, I think that the ending made more of an impact on me than it would have otherwise. While I can't say I was left satisfied (ultimately I would have preferred above ending because I'm a sappy-mc-sap-sap who loves endings sweet enough to cause instant diabetes) I can say that it was an ending that fit the profile of Gen Urobuchi. 

On the off off off chance that you're reading this, Gen, if you do the same thing to a series I really care about *cough* Psycho-Pass *cough* I'll cry...really don't do that. 

Side note—anyone else think the reason why Inaho is like the Mr Universe of anime is because he's autistic? 

Thanks for reading! If you liked this, please share, like, or/and follow! Hope to see you again!

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