Sunday, September 20, 2015

You should read Double Arts!

Not gonna lie, I'm really only doing this because I don't have an anime to review this week. Houkago no Pleiades was supposed to be my Friday night, but then I fell asleep and the cycle repeated itself with Saturday. Right now I'm about twenty minutes—my being awake fueled only by a pint of coffee and Six Times The Passion Of An Ordinary Flamenco. Though I am serious when I say you should read Double Arts.

Written by Naoshi Komi, or the guy who does Nisekoi, Double Arts ran for around 25 chapters before ending prematurely presumably due to lack of sales. The series is premised on a land where an unknown disease is running rampant. People called sisters are able to absorb the disease for a limited time at the cost of running down their lives. After a healing, a sister named Elle is about to succumb to the infection when a young man grabs her hand, halting her death. From there, the manga takes on a swashbuckling adventure tone, as the two try to make their way to church headquarters. In order to overcome the ridiculously overpowered enemy that i coming after them, the two will have to learn how to fight while staying in contact constantly.

I'd love to go further, but to emphasize how last-minute this was: I read this manga like two years ago. It is really good though, with some good world building, an intriguing premise and heaps of unrealized potential. Maybe after Komi's done with Nisekoi he'll come back to this, but if wishes were horses the second season of Zvezda would've been announced by now.

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