Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Quick Update

Now that I've got your attention...

Hey guys, how's summer going? Just want to put out a little update. Now that all of my school stuff is over, I'm planning to be a little bit more focused on reviewing stuff and putting out content for you guys...or at least until the steam summer sale started up... 

Anyhow, just want to let you know about a few things. First, I'm going to be starting up a video review channel. Yes, for the first time ever, you can listen to the melodious sound of my adolescent voice as it cracks with the same frequency as your phone. 

Here's how it'll work. I'll still be writing text based reviews, but as often as I can I'll be re-doing some of the reviews in video format. I'll upload a link to the channel and the review when I finish it. 

That said, expect a review of No Game, No Life within the next two or three days. Assuming I can learn how to edit audio and video in a week, the video review should be out in a week and a half. 

Also for the most part I don't think I'm going to be daily. Weekly seems to be a better goal for where I'm at right now, so, if everything goes according to plan, I'll have something for you ever Saturday/ Sunday night.

Well that's it. Thanks for reading as always. If you're new, feel free to scroll down and see whether you like what I write or not. If you do, likes, favorites, and follows are really nice and always appreciated. Hope to see you again!

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