Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Nisekoi Anime Review

Now that a couple weeks have past, and everyone has finished it, I feel that I'm obligated to give you an idea of what the latest art gallery from Shaft is all about.
Credit goes to

Nisekoi is the next incarnation of Shaft's line of fanservice filled anime that try to pass off the panty shots and obligatory swimsuit and hotspring episodes as 'art'. But as you lift that shroud of head tilts and cameraman on speed you see it for what it truly is.

 Animation---- Well let's not get of ourselves, how is the animation? Now for those of you who are expecting me to move on after a brief 'it's shaft' let me just dash your expectations the way Watch Dogs has done to me. For those of you who don't know Shaft, allow me to give you a rundown

 With that settled, I have to say I was a little surprised. I was expecting an anime with architecture that defied the laws of physics so hard that I fact expect Escher to leap out and scream 'boo!' Along with an artstyle so trippy that it would make the Sgt Pepper feel like wasn't just living a day in the life. What I got was a little less. The camera's attention span seems to have improved, now being slightly longer than that of the average American. The architecture for the most part looks sound enough that if the building inspector was having a really good day, and at the same time cared nothing about future lawsuits, he would still fail it...however he might give them a medal for trying to follow the laws of physics!

Now that I've donned my obligatory red scarf and Fedora (that is apparently not a fedora but a tribly)
Time to jump into controversy like an atheist in Vatican city. I like Nisekoi's art direction more than I do the monogatari series. To be serious for a second, let me just explain why this would be. I'm pretty new to the whole Shaft thing, but after marathoning the monogatari series, I've kind of gotten a bit...used to the whole Shaft art style. It's starting to feel a little bit too much. I think this sums up my opinion; "Everyone's special...Which is another way of saying no one is." In other words if every scene is artsy than nothing really stands out. Nisekoi has enough abstract art going for it so that it feels artistic and looks nice, while having enough normal stuff so that the artistic elements can really stand out.

And now to make up for all that serious talk, that here's Tieria crossdressing
Waifu material right there

 Plot----Now here's where in any other harem anime I'd put Nicholas Cage laughing his ass off, but instead I have to say; I was kinda surprised. Now if I were to tell you that the story revolved around boy trying to find a girl whose key fit into his lock, you'd probably look at me as if I were trying come on to you. Let me assure you that first I'm not. Second, it's a lot more interesting than it sounds. Third, yes it totally sounds like something you would find on

Yes, while at first the whole plot concept seemed as boring as the enzyme substrate lock and key model, (which will not get out of my head as much as I tell it that biology MCAS is over) it turns out to be a lot more interesting only to end in such an unresolved way it makes Knights of the Old Republic look like Fight Club.

Sound---The soundtrack sounds different, and in that way matches the insane characters and artstyle.
As for the voice actors, well they're fantastic, what else can I say? Well I could tell you exactly why, but I'm rushing, so screw that!

Characters---Expecting good character development from harem anime these days is a bit like having the silly idea that the next Transformers movie is ever going to have a hint of Unicron. With that being said Nisekoi...doesn't break this trend at all. After finishing , I tried to think back to something---anything that showed a case of good character development, and I really can't. There's nothing that really breaks ground here.

That being said, none of the characters feel like they've been shoved into the 'ms fanservice state'. They all get enough development to not feel completely like cardboard cut-outs, and are likeable and developed enough so that by the time I got through I didn't feel guilty enough to have to watch a documentary on feminism for an hour. There wasn't a time where I wanted a character offscreen, and even the main character, while again not breaking ground, is slightly less dense than cement.

Also the fantastic animation, offbeat soundtrack and amazing voice-acting help make even to most unoriginal scenes feel like absolute gold.

Romance--- Soooooo...remember when I said that romance in a harem anime could never measure up to a pure romance anime? Yeah...well...I was least objectively. 

With minimal character development, and nothing truly groundbreaking, I can't say that the romance is anything special, at least as a reviewer. Everything bit of the romance in this anime has been done before, and done better. It's not bad, but I don't think it's for everyone. Now, hypothetically, if I were to tell you what I as an anime fan really thought well...

It was really good. F*ck it, I love this anime. It's yet another example of why I love anime. The trippy art style, off beat soundtrack, characters so unrealistic they make Indiana Jones surviving a nuclear blast in a fridge look it's still bullshit, but you get my point! Someone once said that the two things that an audience are going to remember most are the beginning and the ending. And the romantic development toward the end of the so damn good!

I don't want to spoil it, but it gave enough drama to make me care about the characters, while still keeping consistent with their personalities. It made me feel something for the characters and their relationship. Most of all it provided the best ending I have ever seen to a harem anime. Actually I'm going to go out on my already tenuous limb and say that this was the best ending of the season.

Wow that really showcased my critical ability, didn't it? I gave you no information about why it was so good, didn't even try to be objective, and overall massacred the romance section. Guess you'll just have to take my word from here...

So kind of spoiled it, but I love this anime. Which means that the following recommendation is from a completely objective perspective that doesn't contain a bias.

For anyone who is looking for an art deco, likeable, if re-used, characters, an interesting soundtrack, a decent script and hands down the best ending to any anime of the spring season, give it a shot.

Thanks for Reading! Following me, liking my stuff and spreading the word are all thing you could do that would really help me, and that I would appreciate!

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