Monday, December 2, 2013

Should you watch Samurai Flamenco?

Samurai Flamenco! One of the most engaging series to come out of the fall series. It's mature, it's got almost no fan service and most importantly it's realistic.

SF is a new fall anime that is currently being simulcast on crunchyroll. The best way to describe it was kick-ass the anime, but in case you haven't noticed from above image, it doesn't exactly stick to that. So let's get started.

First thing you notice right off the bat is the characters; they aren't in high-school. While you pick your jaws off of the floor, let me assure of something else: this also has minimal fanservice, and doesn't have any kind of romance. So what does it have? Well to start, it has Tomokazu Sugita, who voices Kyon, Gintoki from Gintama, and Joeseph Joestar from you-know-what. So he has experience to say the least. In fact the whole anime has a solid cast, hell for star power, the voice actress for Asuna from SAO is here too. In the visual department, things are solid. You are not going to be having eyegasms, throughout the anime, though as far as lighting goes, it's pretty impressive. For the first few episodes the whole thing is pretty slow, and watching the main character go out to fight crime, and get beat up over and over again is pretty painful. In the long run, this is okay, seeing as how the character progresses throughout the series. I mean at first he's like a new fallout player, visiting every little location that he can, until he inevitably walks in deathclaw nest and stuff happens with shit and fans, and yeah...  Later however he starts swinging across buildings with...measuring tape? Okay as much as I like this anime, it is still anime, so I guess it lost a bit of credibility when he became batman with a budget. The pacing of this is sorta weird. On the one hand it is interesting to see him progress, but there are massive leaps in his training. Like episode 4, where despite being a wimp the episode before, is now freaking Bruce Lee. Another example is when he gets the new  utility belt, he adapts to it rather fast, the very next episode being able to use said weapons like a pro. As much as I hate training episodes in anime like Bleach, I would've appreciated at least one.  However this anime does have some entertaining characters. First of Goto, the aforementioned voice actor who does Kyon, is amazing. I mean I guess the cool thing about him is that he acts sort of the same as he does in haruhi. Meaning he is a sarcastic asshole, and yes that is a good thing. He's the straight guy, the one caught up in this crazy world, who is always getting dragged into messes by the other protagonist Masayoshi. Masayoshi is the amateur superhero. He's your typical nice guy, who wants to do everything right, like not smoking in the no smoking zone. Now while in real life, he would be a pain-in the ass, for the beginning episodes, its actually pretty funny. The anime uses a blend of serious and comical ways to portray its message. One episode has Masayoshi running down a stolen umbrella. Now as cheesy as it sounds, they managed to make this feel epic without adding a choir to the OST. Speaking of which, the action, when it happens is pretty well executed. With the boring stuff out of the way, I get to the meat of this Should you watch.

The seventh episode. be warned from this point on THIS WILL BE SPOILER HEAVY, so read at your own risk. HOWEVER! I DO FEEL THAT TO GIVE YOU THE RIGHT IMPRESSION, YOU SHOULD STILL READ THIS! Anyway while I'm waiting for my caps meter to recharge, the seventh episode is, shit. Screw Death Note, Screw Steins gate, Screw Code Geass, in terms of plot twists, this takes the cake. Now when I say plot twist, what i mean is not a cool revelation, but more of the developer taking the plot and turning it from and interesting kick-ass style anime, with interesting ideas, and characters, to what resembles a silly straw. Remember the shock when you got to the third episode of Madoka Magical Girl? It's like that only instead of  commenting "Woah that was amazingly unexpected" You will be shouting "WTF?! WTF?! WTF?!" Over and over at you monitor. Okay okay let me say exactly what is wrong with this episode. The first ten minutes or so are okay, regular Samurai Flamenco affair, but during the next ten minutes, SF goes to work with a Police brigade on a drug bust, and then...there's a gorilla...with a guillotine for a stomach...a functioning guillotine I might add... This...this was the most amazing this I had ever watched. This series then progresses to introduce a new villain named King Torture, who says he will send monster of the week style monsters to fight SF. Seems legit. WHAT?! Oh my god what the hell just happened to this anime?! ARGGHH The best part of this episode isn't even when the gorilla appears. it's when the gorilla beheads a police officer with the guillotine in its stomach. The rest of the characters don't even blink an eye. Because you know it's an everyday occurrence that a gorilla with a guillotine comes in and chops off a person's head. The two main characters just roll with it, really i mean SF even still shouts the name of his attack, which is punching with inflatable fists. I mean for all the character development that has happened over the past seven episodes, you would at least expect him to be shocked, but he just strolls up and starts whaling on him with punches. i could even accept it if this anime had done this from the beginning, but not in the freaking middle. Some say that the series has switched from the kick-ass arc and gone to the Kamen Rider arc, but i couldn't give a shit. I don't care if it's parodying/referencing other fiction, this still makes no sense! Oh and I'm sticking by the idea that Samurai Flamenco is sooooo much better in its 'kick-ass' arc. Maybe in time I will grow to like this arc, but the chances of that are about the same as haruhi coming out with another goddamn season.
No words can describe this

So sure go ahead, watch this anime, it's certainly entertaining, at least for the first six and a half episodes. It's also one of the more unique even with the Kamen Rider arc. Unfortunately, I'm not recommending this right now, though i will do a full review once the anime ends.

As always, subs, comments, likes, all that good stuff is always appreciated!

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