Saturday, March 29, 2014

What you actually thought I'd come out with the Kill La Kill review on time?

Okay, I will have the Kill La Kill review out just won't be until about 11:30 or so. Sorry about that, but unfortunately I have some semblance of a life outside of blogging and anime. 

Anyhow, if you're willing to wait, I'll see you in a couple hours! If not, hope to see you tomorrow!

Kill La Kill Episode 24 Short Reaction

After twenty-four episodes, Kill La Kill has finally ended. I was tied between either doing a review of this, or trying a review of Golden Time, but I think this'll come first. 

So it's a reaction, so spoilers, duh.

Overall the episode was one long epic mess. It was crazy! How the hell did they have all of that in 24 minutes? The pacing is amazing for this episode! It genuinely feels the way a climax should; ramping up every little aspect of the show, giving every little character their bit of screen time. I'm sorry guys, but as far as finales go, I like this one even more than Gurren Lagann.

I do have one complaint, it barely detracted from the experience, but I have to say it anyway. Why the hell didn't Ryouko fall in front instead of Senketsu?! She's freaking invincible, and her regenerative abilities could heal her in time. Okay, I actually answered my own question; Senketsu was already being torn apart, he took the fall in order to save Ryouko some pain.

So here's my other question; why did Senketsu have to die in the first place? The show's over, and with such an abrupt death, it's hard to squeeze any character development out. Why not freaking give a happy ending to your characters for once, Trigger? In Gurren Lagann, the love interest died under similar circumstances, in Panty and Stocking, the bad guys just win, and here one of the best characters of this show up and dies. And don't even get me started on Evangelion---because I haven't seen all of it, so it would be hard to rant. I just found it pointless; hell if life fibers come to the planet again, they really will be screwed. 

Thanks for reading, in any case. To be honest I think Kill La Kill earns most of its hype, and I'm kinda pumped tp review it now. So hope to see you tomorrow. Till next time!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (and NEXT) Anime Review

How do I start with this one? I mean intros are already enough of a thorn in my side without telling you that I really liked Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai...well that little problem took care of itself

Yeah, it has some problems, but I don't know. With piecing eyes, I finally say goodbye, as I wave and kiss my credibility farewell (been watching way too much Yu Yu Hakusho) So without a moments delay, let's dive into Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai!

Animation--Animation is good, but nothing to write home about. It's not bad, but let's just say that if I had reviewed this a year ago, my opinions would be very different. After seeing what A-1 pictures and Shaft are able to do with a Slice of Life, nothing really amazes. That being said it does have some nice touches. The studio behind this is AIC, the team behind anime like OreImo, Blue Gender and Strike Witches. In my OreImo review (second review I did) , I said basically the same thing as I am going to say now; Character designs are well done, but nothing too spectacular with environments. What the studio does well is small touches. Little things, like the in-between animations during breaks, or the touches to the opening during both of the season finales ooze style.

Plot-- God, I feel like an asshole. I really do like this series, guys, but I do think it has some problems; the first of which being the first season. I'll be honest, for the majority of the first season; I thought the show was mediocre at best. My main problem was the humor; or the lack thereof. It was hit or miss; Characters like Rikka and Yuukimera were pretty consistent, but others weren't. The banter between girls felt less like Infinate Stratos-esque cat fights, and more like arena matches. They weren't funny, and because the translator turned a lot of the words into swears, it wasn't cute either. That being said, for reasons I'll explain later, I don't think this is a flaw. The season finales to both seasons, however, are fantastic. In this way, it's kinda the opposite of Infinite Stratos, where the finales were too focused on action and not enough on characters. Both of the finales leave me hungering for more—especially with the second season.

 Using the second opening, becuase the first one is a bit...well let's just say it doesn't help my case.

Sound-- Once again I'm going to say that the opening and ending for both are well animated and have pretty catchy tunes. As for the soundtrack, it does its job; Nothing outstanding, but nothing too distracting either. As for the voice actors, I'm going to say that for the most part they do their job well. Unfortunately Yukkimera, Kobato, and Maria don't get much of a chance for development, so their actresses don't get much of a chance to shine. Sena, Yozora, Rika, and surprisingly Kodaka, do.

Characters--Finally! Here's where I can finally get to be positive, I love the characters in this series! Character development is stellar, being both meaningful and subtle! Not only that but relationships also evolve in a way that feels pretty natural. Remember when I said that characters’ tearing at each other’s throats wasn’t exactly a bad thing? This would be why. The whole anime is about making friends; that's why their club is formed in the first place. Therefore in the beginning, the only thing that they have in common is that they like Kodaka and want to make friends. Slowly they become friends with each other, and by the second season, the banter between them, feels more like friendly jabs and less like a grudge match. Unfortunately, this all happens in the second season.

There's also a surprising amount of development around the characters.  Emotional moments are touching in and of themselves—without resorting to some kind of tragic back-story. That being said, the moments where characters are developed is kinda few and far between. Once again referring to the first season, no meaningful development occurs until the finale. 

Has what I've said convinced you to watch the show? If so, stop reading here. If what's been said here hasn't convinced you, first skip to the romance section, read it, and if you still aren't convinced, come back here. Reading this will defiantly detract from your experience, but if there's any reason why you should watch this, it's what I'm about to say.
It didn't work?

Kodaka is the best Harem protagonist. Sorry, Ararararagi. Sorry, Ichika. Fuck you Kazuya, this guy is the best. He's a freaking blockhead, like every other harem lead, but there is actually a reason behind it. It's not something stupid, like 'I want to have all the girls' or some crap like that. What's more is the way it's executed—brilliantly. Seriously, I want to convince you guys, but I don't want to spoil it for you! Plus, it'll sound a lot more stupid coming from me--especially because it's so well executed.
Forgot about this one; She has Chuunibyou, and plays it better than any other Chuunibyou character I know...

Romance-- It's a harem anime so don't expect much...but do expect more than the average. In my Infinite Stratos Review, I likened picking the right pairing, to going into a casino. Here it's a little less unbalanced-- like beating Dark Souls. How I see it, the more development gets the more likely they are to get together with the main character. Aside from the sister and the little girl (cause that would be creepy) I see three characters who have a chance. Each of these characters has gotten enough development to be eligible. As for the romance itself...well it fares ok. Once again it hasn't really gone anywhere, so I can't judge. 

So, it all comes down to this; do I recommend it? Yeahmayno. If you like Harem anime, then a definite YES. If you can stand them, a solid yes. If you can't stand them, well that kinda speaks for itself. 

As always, thanks for reading. Follows, likes and spreading the words are all good things. Hope to see you next time!


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hamatora ep 11 reaction-More plot holes than Swiss Cheese

Whaaaaaat?! What the hell? Okay, Okay SPOILERS incoming.
I might need to re-think adding this as one of my favorites of the Winter season
Really though, you freaking had the villain right there! Sorry I forgot to give context. So Nice finds Moral and brings him to their hideout. He learns that Moral is behind the whole scheme and that he killed Art. Is Nice surprised by this? Hell no! That would ruin his bad boy image, right? So then Nice decides that he knows what to do with Moral, but wait, we haven't fulfilled our quota of pretentious monologs yet! So instead of, I dunno restraining him or something, Nice decides to Debate with him, allowing Moral to wrap a razor wire around cat-girl's neck. He then says that if they move, he will kill her. Okay, what? This makes no sense! He himself can't move! A; In order to move he would have to loosen the wire. It's basic physics! If he didn't, the wire would slit her throat! I suppose the logical thing would be that the ring would be able to reel out wire as he moves, but then he could only go so far as the door. Plus, he doesn't have super-strength, so after a while the wire would go limp. Nice can move at the speed of sound! Wait for him to leave the room, then jump him! 
Yes, the cheese looks like Inception, compared to this crap.

Does anyone else find it funny how all of the non-innate holders lose all sense of moral as soon as they gain power? Guys, if you're trying to rip-off X-men, at least do it right. It makes sense that normals fear minimum holders, because as a race, we've proven time and again that we do nothing but fear what we don't understand. On the other hand, just because they face discrimination, all minimum holders become psychopaths? No. No that is not cool. African Americans, Chinese, Native Americans, these are all groups of people who we're discriminated against. Did they lose all morality? Did they become unempathetic? No! Some may have, but the majority didn't. Yet here, it seems only those in Hamatora are able to keep their cool. 

Finally we get to Takahiro. That purple dude. Just when everything seems A-ok, Moral kills him. First-off, he kills him from his apartment. Why even escape? The hell was the point if you're going to go to the most obvious place you could possibly go? Are you even trying? Oh and Nice's reaction is priceless. He gets angry, and swears revenge against Moral. That's right; he kills a classmate of yours, a person you've known for years, and you show no emotion. He kills a guy you've known for what? A month or two? And suddenly you're in a rage? What? I really feel bad for Art.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Should you be watching Recently My Sister is Unusual? (nononononononononono)

Type in 'Recently my Sister is Unusual' into YouTube and you will find things like 'WTF just happened', 'Worst anime evar' 'WTF did I just watch?'. See the trend? No? let me spell it out, EVERYBODY HATES IT. Me? Well it has Yui Ogura in it, the voice actress behind Tsukukashi Tsukiko, one of the protagonists of Henneko, and while it may beat the horse past death and into the fourth dimension, Henneko is one of my favorite anime ever. So needless to say my vision was...colored when it came to this anime. I wasn't glowing, in fact I wasn't positive in my first impressions, but I wasn't calling it the worst anime evar. Now? If it weren't for Freezing, then yeah, I might be convinced. 
Not afraid? You will be, you will be.

First off the animation, I know four year-olds who draw better than this! Hell, I coul--okay, okay a joke's a joke. Really though, the character designs are bad! Their heads are all shaped like their in the cone-heads on Saturday Night Live. It's beyond distracting; I can't get into the freaking fanservice! The one  redeeming quality of this show, and I can't enjoy it. I'm a sixteen, adolescent guy, and I can't get into lesbian sex?! There's something inherently wrong with that. Oh, yeah, there is sex in this show. Not only that, but it's a central pillar to the plot. Still trying to defend this show? I'll get to that later, though. 

Behold, I just saved twenty minutes of your life, because this is it! Fanservice and unattractive character models---Except Dan Aykroyd is funny, unlike this crap!
Nothing amazes about this animation. At least with Aku No Hana, you could grab a couple friends, and point and laugh. Here, the animation isn't that bad. It looks generic, that's it.

Plot--Yes, this anime has a 'plot', I put it in quotes because I'm afraid calling it that would be like calling the Holocaust a difference of ideology. The 'plot' is that a girl gets a brother after her father re-marries (hear that, it's the sound of originality— rolling in its grave). Soon she sees a ghost and gets pushed down a flight of stairs only to awaken with a chastity belt attached to her. *sighs* Anyhow, a ghost has attached to her (voiced by you know who) and tells her that the only way for her to survive is to have sex with her brother. Bear with it, brain cells, It'll be over soon. But she can't do that! We've still got thirteen more episode of this sh*t. Yeah the first two episodes basically involve her trying to hold her piss in...never thought I'd see that sentence anywhere out of Shades of Gray. I'd go on, but I have MCAS tomorrow, and I need some braincells.
Really, It looks like Pacman took a bite out of her head

Characters-- There's also characters in this! Which I could quickly sum up with stereotypes. There's the oblivious brother who I swear would have trouble understanding the concept of a brick being thrown in his face, the tsundere sister, the over-attached character, who's the opposite of the tsundere, the childhood friend, the perverted best friend, and the irresponsible parents. Are any of them any deeper than this base summary? Nope! Unless you count sad back-stories, because even in this crap we need character development. By character development, I mean back-stories and flashbacks. I wouldn't mind so much, except they only spend two minutes and thirty-eight seconds on it and immediately afterwards we're treated to a scene with her having an orgasm thanks to fish.

No. No, no, no no. No, no, no, no, WHY?!

Junji Majima, you were in things like Fariy Tail, Asura Cryin', and Kore Wa Zombie Des Ka! Why did you pick this?!Hisako Kanemoto; You were in Gargantia on the Veredous Planet, Strike the Blood Hell you were in Durarara! Why are you here! You have talent! Use it!
And finally Yui Ogura. You've played two of my favorite characters in anime, Tsukiko and Kanda from Sakurasou! Ddid you even read the script?! 

We still have sound, and romance to get through, but I can sum it up in three sentences. Romance hasn't gone anywhere because it's early, but I'm not sure I want it to. It has great voice actors, but boring characters and and equally boring script. Soundtracks are done by Ryosuke Nakanishi, who can do good stuff, but I didn't really pay attention to it. 


 Ok, it has some positives, the best friend is kinda funny, and the opening and ending are great.

So there! In answer to the question stated above, it isn't worth watching! It's not as insulting as Freezing, but in every other way, it's just as bad. In my opinion, anime is a medium that you can judge less harshly than any other form of entertainment, because it is one of the only forms of entertainment where you don't have to spend any money to view it (legally). There are so many better things you can do with your time! Ride a bike, build a model statue of liberty, or freaking save a kitten from a tree! Thank you for reading and good night!

*Update* In case you're wondering, I should have the next part of anime you should be watching out this weekend. Might be doing a review of Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai, and don't worry, I'm not going to trash it. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Top Twelve Anime of the winter season that you should be watching (and in all likelihood are) Part Two

Jesus, ok, Time for a serious apology. For the past few weeks, I've been a bit--okay a lot flaky (that doesn't make sense grammatically does it) Anyway I wanted to apologize, and say that I'm going to try o redouble my efforts in pumping these posts out.

8) Nobunaga the Fool-- From the guys who brought you Nobunaga taking over the Pokemon Realm, and the creator of history geek travels back in time to hook up with a gender bended Nobunaga, comes a concept slightly more serious than Nobunaga as a gun. Meet Nobunaga the Fool. Join Nobunaga, looking nothing like the real Nobunaga, and his merry band of equally inaccurate looking historical figures, as they battle in mechs in a weird sci-fi world that makes about as much sense as... it makes as much sense as a historical steampunk alternate universe mech epic anime can.

But really what's good about this series? Animation for one thing. Mech designs seem kind simple at first but as they get more regalia (would explain what that is, but my guess is as good as yours) they become more and more complex. They have some nice spins on them that make them look synonymous with a certain culture while not looking as silly as well...
Yes Netherland, be proud!

For such a weird concept it takes itself pretty seriously. Normally i would bash this, but the plot is pretty good. It isn't End of Evangelion, but it's damn close. It's so damn confusing, nothing is explained, and no backstory is given on the world itself. I mean it's nice that it isn't explained as if you're a five year old with a butterfly's attention span, but come on guys. Just a little bit of context is great. In any case, if you're looking for one of those grand war mech anime akin to Code Geass, or Gundam, look no further. At the very least, it'll entertain. 

I love it when a show tries to have a plot, I really do. Especially when said plot involves Nobunaga, Jeane d' Arc, and Leonardo Da Vinci. Need I say more? It has Leonardo Da Vinci as an engineer and some sort of fortune teller!

7) Nisekoi-- What do you get when you get when you cross Shaft with a generic romance anime? You get Shaft making a generic romance anime.

There would be a funny video here, but instead there's a link, because blogger problems

Okay, Okay. It's not really generic. Aside from the fact that it looks like you just walked into the Japanese Louve, it's actually pretty refreshing. I mean, I love the Monogatari series, but I can't really blaze through the episodes like I can with this. Why? Well for one thing the cameraman went to go train in the Guiana highlands, and has now returned with a slightly longer attention-span, that allows him to stay at an angle for more than a millisecond. Don't worry though, they're are still plenty of Shaft Head tilts to go around. Characters aren't the most interesting in the world, but they're pretty fun. What's my favorite part about the anime though? Chitoge Kirisaki. She's actually a freaking tsundere! She isn't one of those fall-in-love-at-first-sight tsunderes we see everywhere nowadays, she legitimately is unsure of whether or not she likes the main character or not! Aside from that the anime features Yuki Kaji playing the pervert best friend, what a surprise. Some of you might know him for his role as Eren from AoT, while the rest of you know him as Issei from Highschool DXD, and I know him as Yoto from Henneko. Anyhow, the anime is pretty funny, on top of being a visual spectacle with an interesting concept and a cool little mystery.

6) Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren

Bet ya didn't expect this to be here. No really though, most of the reason that I like this show is that I have someone else to talk about it (and really when i say talk I mean fanboy over). I mean the reason that this blog started was so that I could express my opinions of shows, because no-one else watches the shows I watch. But enough about me, what do you like about me? 
                                             Yeah sorry for the audio, but you do get to see the awesome animation!

Okay jokes aside, this show is not just a moe slice of life. What surprised me most about was actually the fact that A-- there's a boy in a club of girls, and it's not a harem B---The Romance wasn't a love triangle (Episode 9 guys) C--It had some serious character development and approached a topic in a way I didn't think possible. In other words it made shit up Kaiki Style. The reason why the show isn't higher on this list is because, hasn't gotten to the level that the first season did. So far there's a lot of nice romance going on here, but not much else. Animation is fantastic, and fight scenes are campy while still touting eye-popping visuals, girls are still so moe that even the most hardcore 90s fan would begrudgingly grit there teeth while saying 'Kawaii- Desu'. maybe it'll get even better, who knows? 
But really, if you don't daaawww right here, I'm convinced you're a serial killer

That's it this time around. You guys disagree or agree? By the way did you guys here that Durarara is getting a second season? Unlike the Half Life three posts that haunt my existence, this is actually real! Now come on Kyotoani! Just freaking announce that one anime that really needs a third season! Anyhow, thanks for reading, and with any luck I'll see you tomorrow...when I publish my next post. That got creepy for a second there.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Top Twelve anime of the winter season that you should be watching (13-14) Part One

Overall I'd say that the winter season has been pretty bountiful. I can't really think of an anime this season that didn't leave a strong impression on me after the first episode. Whether it be confusion, anger, or laughter m, my first impressions of the season were strong. But which ones have improved; which ones have held up?

There are a few rules to this; The anime has to be made during the winter season of 2013-2014. There's going to be one exception for that, but we'll get there when we get there

11) Hamatora 

Quick Synopsis--Minumum holders are people born into this world who have a gift. The story follows a cast of characters who've formed a detective agency called Hamatora. Together, they solve mysteries, kick ass, and screw around like no tomorrow, all while being strung about by a silly little thing called plot.

Quicker synopsis; It's like watching Darker than Black while high

Does this deserve to be here? I dunno. This show ain't Samurai Flamenco, where I can go from loving it, to hating it, to loving it again in a matter of seconds. At the same time I think it's one of those shows that you'll love or hate...unless your me. Why is it good though? Well the animation for one. Granted the fight scenes look like the animator was the tripping, animation quality is top-notch. Characters have a lot of intrigue; it's cool how they're given an air of intrigue rather than cross sectioned as most anime characters. They aren't developed, but the series is young so, who knows? So why is this not higher on the list. Tone and plot. Episodes can get damn preachy, as characters tap into the inner Jesus Yamatos and deliver will-crushing speeches that leave their former opponents sobbing in a pool of unbreakable logic and insoluble black and white. Now I can't give away spoilers here, but the tone can get damn muddled. At one point something happens. Something very brutal, very shocking, and pretty powerful. The end of the episode the anime had grasped my full attention. The next episode started a re-cap, which was fine, it reestablished the tone, before diving into a beach episode. A beach episode? Really?! Not only that, but the beach episode also has some sappy undertone that's about as subtle as killing someone with a fish. Overall though it's well worth watching.
No, I don't know what they're smoking, and yes, I want some too.

Where to find it; Crunchyroll

10) Witchcraft Works

Quick synopsis; It's about witches. Okay, okay. It's about a guy at a school, who is thrown into a world of magical and mystery after being attacked by those rabbits from that Rayman spinoff. He also becomes a princess. You'll see...

Quicker synopsis; scroll down a bit.

Now for those of you who are shaking your moniter yelling 'why the hell is this 11' I have a confession. Forgive me, guys, for I have sinned. The reason why this show isn't higher on the list is not because I think it doesn't deserve it, but because I kinda haven't watched much of it. In my defense, I have a ton of anime on my list of things to watch. Witchcraft Works is one of them, but it just hasn't reeled me in as some of the other anime on this list have. It hasn't developed much of a plot, with witches coming to the school to try to nab some of the main character's 'white stuff'...yeah you have fun interpreting that. What I have seen has impressed me, though. First is the fact that said main character is weak, has a really powerful thing inside him, is being chased by things that want that thing, and is constantly in need of protection by a girl who's hair turns red when powered up and is known for her wielding of flames. What an original...oh wait.

But honestly reminding me of Shakugan no Shana is not a bad thing. Especially because it's one of my favorite anime out there. Animation is great as long as you aren't a stickler for CGI. Let me just say that whoever does the camerawork deserves a medal. Script is decent, you won't be getting to many laughs, but it has it's moments. I can't tell where the characters are going, but I think it's in the right direction. It's definitely worth seeing, if only for the visuals.
Where to watch; Crunchyroll

9) Oneechan Ga Kita!-- You know, it's times like this where I reflect on my life. I'm really recommending an anime called My Older Sister Came!... Or at least that's what I would say, if I didn't feel absolutely convinced that this show is awesome. It's a short anime with each episode being about three minutes long. What can I say? It's animation is stylish, comedy is pretty damn good for something packed into a three minute time span, hell it even has some cute moments too. my line with anime is that the only thing you're wasting by trying an anime is your time, and dammit this is worth three minutes of your day. Oh and did I mention that the ending theme is sung by the same voice actress who played Yuuki in Mirai Nikki?

Where to watch; Once again, Crunchyroll

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Golden Time Ep 21 reaction--Spoilers!

Dammit, dammit dammit.You know what? I really like Golden Time. It's one of my favorite romance anime period. It's complex, has interesting themes and messages, three dimensional characters, and one of the most well developed romances I've ever seen.Yet the series straddles the border between a deep complex anime and a fucking soap opera. I don't know what to say about the ending of episode 21, but GIGANTIC SPOILER ALERT! 

Should I praise this or do what I want to do and scream in long bouts of pure rage. It really depends on what happens next. The twist that Koko doesn't actually love him is good, but...there was no freaking warning! IF this is really true, then somebody give her a fucking Oscar, because she deserves it! She sure had me fooled this entire time! It just feels so random, like the author decided to introduce conflict for conflict's sake. Who knows? it all depends on where this goes. On the other hand it's possible that she's lying, which I hope to God is true. It would make a lot more sense. In the end, this will probably have one epic finale and seeing how it hasn't disappointed me so far, I have hope. Thanks for reading and I'll Siya next time!