Saturday, November 30, 2013

Samurai flamenco ep 7 AKA WTF?!

What?! What the hell just happened to this anime? OK major spoilers ahead, but WTF?! a fucking gorilla really?! It has a fucking guillotine in its stomach! No-no-no-no-no-no-no! What are you doing?! This anime was so good, and then this episode! The worst part is that it isn't a dream sequence! Now don't get me wrong i hate that as a plot twist, but here it would have been better than this! This was kick-ass the anime! Now it's...I don't even...Dammit! this was one of the best anime to come out this year! Why the hell did you just ruin it like this?! Holy shit, you fucked it up! Now if this is a dream sequence,  I will eat every one of these words here. If not, however...
Samurai Flamenco Gorilla Guillotine 1

It was so realistic, it was so inspiring. I mean the whole idea that anyone can become a hero, fighting off even the most minor of evils. That this in turn could lead to something greater was cool. The realism this show had was good. The characters were interesting. It was cool to see Masayoshi go from being a weak strong willed guy in a suit, to being fucking Bruce Lee! WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY?! I have to publish this before I have a stroke.

Please Please Please Go watch Noucome!

Go watch Noucome or My mental choices are completely ruining my school romantic comedy!
It's so damn funny! It's 2 in the morning so I can't write a real review or impressions thing, but please watch it! 

Sorry for not coming out with anything lately I have just been really lazy. Although I dare you: you try playing Fallout New Vegas and then stopping! Anyhow Happy late Thanksgiving, Hanukkah!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Should you be watching beyond the boundary?

Well I don't really have a lot to review these days, seeing I'm savoring the endings to all the good series I'm watching. So I'd thought I'd try to do some sort of first impressions thing. This thing is basically taking a look at anime I'll probably do a review of later, but to get an impression of them while they're still out. This may contain some spoilers.

Beyond the boundary is a new 2013 anime that is developed by Kyoto animation.  it is a departure from the studio's usual Moe fest stuff. Though that isn't to say that it isn't there.
Note to self, this is how to pick up girls.

The basic premise is that there is a supernatural underworld unbeknownst to most people, where guys called Spirit warriors run around slicing up Yomu and gaining rocks that can be traded in for money. The premise isn't bad, just overused. The characters include, Ganta in female form, a guy who doesn't believe that women should be judged by how they look, but rather on how they look with glasses on,  little sister fetish guy, and said little sister kuudere. There, the cast in a nutshell. Now it's worth noting that this anime takes its sweet time to get going. This being said I was pretty bored with the first two episodes of this anime. All I heard was one guy having repeated fangasms over glasses, with the phrase "that is unpleasant" being repeated like a broken record. Humor at the start is mediocre at best. In this light, since most of the first two episodes revolve around said humor and character interactions, the series is damn boring. It isn't until the end of the third episode that it actually realizes that it should pick up the damn pace. It was around this point that I initially dropped this show. While it was getting interesting, it still wasn't enough to hold my attention. So about three weeks later, i decided to pick it up once more. I am not disappointed. Here is where the action starts to shine as does the humor. By the sixth episode it's apparent to me the Little sister fetish guy and glasses fetish guy duo is best character of the entire anime. Their interactions are way better than one of them by himself. As for the action, well let me say that Kyoto Animation can do more than draw high-school girls in short skirts. They can draw High-school girls in short skirts with blood swords. In case you didn't get the Deadman Wonderland reference back there, one of the characters has to ability to weaponize her blood. This leads to some pretty interesting looking fight scenes. I mean from what I've seen the anime has some pretty damn interesting set pieces. In all seriousness this anime is one of the best looking anime of the fall season. It may not be as distinct as Kill La Kill, but it's the old KyoAni charm. In terms of sound assets, they're pretty good as far as I've seen. I mean on the one hand, there haven't been any OSTs that have really stood out to me, but they were never distracting enough for me to not pay attention to the anime and instead to them. They fit, so that's something. the voice actors are solid, but that may be because they haven't really had a chance to really shine. Romance can't be judged until the end. Ummmm I think that's it. 
This guy must play a lot of Skyrim

So to sum it up, this anime is fairly worth watching if you like KyoAni, Moe, action, and supernatural stuff. Hell even if you're looking for some eye-candy, this thing's got you covered. As long as you can get past the first two episodes, this anime should be worth watching. 


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Another Anime Review

This is not another anime review, this is an anime review of Another. Was that punny? Another is a horror anime adapted from a popular Japanese novel. I am trying to keep this review as spoiler-free as possible, but some things are going to be needed to be spoiled, such as People die in this anime. Anyway, welcome to my review! The purpose of this review is to promote the popularity of a particular anime or something like that. That being said I guess Another is already pretty damn popular...ummmmm then this is to promote the horror-anime genre in general! That works.

Another is a horror anime adaptation of a popular horror novel of the same name. it follows Sakakibara, and his investigation into the ominous class of 3-3.

Animation-- How to describe the animation, well let's see..okay Half Life three running on Source engine 20 on the PS5000 being played on a theater screen with enough pixels to make Legend of Zelda: The Faces of Evil look good. You think I'm exaggerating, and I totally am, but it's still damn impressive. The whole time i was watching this show i was having eyegasms while still pissing my pants. First off character models look amazing, and every character is paid enough attention so that they don't look like cardboard cutouts, with microphones attached to their mouths. In other words, the world that the anime lives in is living. It's not as though one character is running around in a freaking Fuzetsu. Everything, and I mean everything gets more than enough detail for it to be on the cover of Glamor girl, this is especially true for the dolls. You see the guys who did the animation came up with a brilliant idea:maybe if we constantly switch to random pictures of porcelain dolls, it'll make things scary. In the very least we get to see some pretty dolls, I guess? This is sorta explained latter on, but for the first part of the series I thought I was watching Chucky the anime. Props given to the sky. Can't think of a joke for that, but it looks amazing. The environments are dark enough to invoke that primordial fear of saying 'I'll be right back' at a party, but colorful enough so that it doesn't look darker than black. Each frame of this anime has a ton of detail packed in. The probability of you appreciating it in the few seconds its there is about as likely as D-grayman getting another volume, but its there. The studio responsible is for anime such as Angel beats, Nagi no Asu Kara, so their a pretty well established studio. What haven't I mentioned? Ummmm it's really good? Ah, there's little to no fan-service in this anime, aside from the obligatory beach scene.

Interpret this however you like, but just look at the sky! Look at it!
 Sound--Well first the bad stuff. The opening, while it may be a nice song, kinda ruins the mood. Okay how to get you guys to understand...You're in the middle of a boss battle. You have been fighting this boss for the past week, and continue to fail it each and every time. this time is different. you can feel it. As you step out into the arena, glorious rays of light rain down upon you, seeping through your crimson visor, coloring your vision a bloody hue. Ahead of you it rears it's head bellowing a roar that shakes the very earth itself. Countless times have you laid petrified in fear of the impending massacre, but not this time. The creature lunges, its gigantic form filling the vast expanse of the arena. It brings its hammer down upon you, and death, cavalierly grasps your hand, bringing with it two words, eight letters everyone knows by heart...except this doesn't happen. You know its tricks, you've done this before. You will not lose. You will win. Your battle cry shakes the Earth itself, you sword glimmers with the light of countless hours never to be regained. You heave your sword, this is it, the time is now! Strike! Now your mom tells you dinner is ready. Your immersion is broken, your avatar frozen in mid-swing. That is Another's opening. It's really jarring, and it fits as well as Jar Jar Binks. As for the OST, well think about it this way. It's like this. Think Hannibal Lector. He's an awesome character, and a joy to see on-screen, but let's be honest, no-one wants to invite him over for dinner. Same thing goes with Another's OST. They set the mood perfectly, creating tension, when there seemingly is nothing happening on-screen, and furthering the atmosphere set by both the voice actors and the animation. And yet they aren't really elevator music material. The voice acting in this anime is phenomenal, with each character working well with the atmosphere. They further the mood, giving a melancholic feel to the series. They aren't monotone, but every character sounds like they're putting up a facade, like every clown that ever existed. While i would normally give props for this, the only exception to the stellar voice acting is Misaki. Now before I get pelted with the rotten tomatoes of hardcore another fans, let me explain why. For most of the series she does an amazing job, however, and this is down to animation as well, in the finale, she maintained her monotone voice to the very end. It would be nice for her to show a bit more emotion than a rock with a high-school uniform. 
Those dolls

Plot--So here is the first flaw in the series: IT NEVER EXPLAINS WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON! As intriguing as the plot was, there was no conclusion. It never explains why the events that happened, happened. Overall, this does little to hurt the series, but it still feels like either sequel baiting or shoddy writing. While the plot wasn't as good as it could've been, it was intriguing. I always wanted to know more, and the anime did a good job of making me want to know more. This made the ending all the more frustrating. Something else is that the anime seems to have a good amount of differences from the source material. This is especially aparant during the episode where they go to the beach, becasue it is only there for the fanservice. This was not in the novel at all. One thing this anime does have is pacing. Each episode left me wanting for more, and though yes this is due to a large amount of cliff-hangers, it was also just because the plot was so intriguing and well paced.

Characters--The cast of Another is large to say the least. Though this can mean that some characters are more detailed than others it also gives the writers a lot more people to kill. Oh and for some reason, the main character of this anime looks like Yuuta from Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai! and Misaki looks like Rikka from the same series. I haven't read the novels, but in the anime, there seems to be a tad of romance between Misaki and Sakakibara. Is this just for the fans? Who knows, but from someone who loves the romance genre, it's much appreciated. I don't want to get into the characters, becasue of spoilers, but there pretty solid all around. Here comes the second flaw with the series: the death. Deaths in this anime are well done, but the reactions to them are not. Characters seem to get over the fact that people are dying around them really damn fast. in one scene, Sakakibara views someone dying right in front of him, and then proceeds to shake someone's shoulder the next day asking what is wrong. I wish it showed a little more psychological breakdown on the part of Sakakibara as everyone around him is dying. As such there isn't really any character development throughout the series. There is relationship development, especially between Misaki and Sakakibara, but no character development.

No, this is just a coincidence, there's nothing implied here at all...
Characters--The cast of Another is large to say the least. Though this can mean that some characters are more detailed than others it also gives the writers a lot more people to kill. Oh and for some reason, the main character of this anime looks like Yuuta from Chūnibyō Demo Koi ga Shitai! and Misaki looks like Rikka from the same series. I haven't read the novels, but in the anime, there seems to be a tad of romance between Misaki and Sakakibara. Is this just for the fans? Who knows, but from someone who loves the romance genre, it's much appreciated. I don't want to get into the characters, becasue of spoilers, but there pretty solid all around. Here comes the second flaw with the series: the death. Deaths in this anime are well done, but the reactions to them are not. Characters seem to get over the fact that people are dying around them really damn fast. in one scene, Sakakibara views someone dying right in front of him, and then proceeds to shake someone's shoulder the next day asking what is wrong. I wish it showed a little more psychological breakdown on the part of Sakakibara as everyone around him is dying. As such there isn't really any character development throughout the series. There is relationship development, especially between Misaki and Sakakibara, but no character development.

Horror--The final item, and the most important, the horror aspect though I think I've already said a lot on the topic. Well as horror anime it's really good, as i think you've gotten from what I've said so far. Everything reflects the idea that everything is not what it seems. From the environment, to the soundtrack, to the voice acting. It immerses you in a creepy world. However I was never truly terrified in this anime, just creeped out. Maybe I've developed a tolerance for these things, but Another never truly scared me. 

Overall I really enjoyed my time with Another, regardless of some of the flaws it had. In truth this anime is really really good. The OST fills its role very well, the amin characters are interesting, the plot is intruiging, animation is spot on and the atmosphere is impressive. This recieves a strong reccomendation from me. 

Thanks for reading, and sorry for the delay in writing. I had a lot of stuff this week, and was sick on top of it. Anyhow if you enjoyed this, please drop a like, a follow or a recommendation. Oh and comment! Please comment!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Holy Jesus Sorry

Wow, kinda screwed up there wit that review, sorry. The site kept telling me that it hadn't published, when I guess it actually had. Sorry, that was a major screw-up. Anyway with break coming up, hopefully I'll have a lot more time to work on stuff so... yeah

Freezing Anime Review

Sorry for the horrible formatting but this anime appears to be cursed. Since trying to review this my computer has frozen multiple times, the format is out of whack and the whole thing's one bloody mess, so my apologies. Freezing. Oh god why? Okay I'm sorry I know that I said that I would only be doing positive reviews on this blog, but after getting ten episodes into the first season of freezing, I have gathered one question, why the hell does this exist? Okay know I know I shouldn't rant to much, and that i need to support my ravings with actual content, but this show is so bad! So here we go, my first negative review, and with the fact that there is a second season of this show out, it may not be the last. I would add more pictures, but my computer is freezing on me (no pun intended) No really I can't.

Freezing is that kind of anime. At one point or another you've all seen them, the fan service before anything shows, where plot and tension are as rare as the Bengal tiger. This came to me as a surprise, after hearing from a friend that this show has a plot, and good action. He told me that the anime was serious, and while it did have comedy it took itself seriously. He told me that I should watched it due to the angel-like enemies. He was right. The anime was very serious, and it would have been better if it wasn't. An anime where the damage to a character can be gauged on the amount of clothing that they still have on, is not something to be taken seriously, right Dragon Ball Z? Anyhow, let's move onto the actual review, so i don't sound like a Posh, brandy swirling critic, who can somehow pull out fancy words while still having his head up his a**. I digress
Fight scenes in a nutshell

Animation: This is from the perspective of someone who watch the censored version, because whenever possible I try to watch the official source, cause y'know its free and I'm supporting the anime. I would tell you that this anime had amazing battles that remained both tactical engaging and visually stunning, except for the fact that ninety percent of the time my screen was filled with blinding pillars of light! This exact reason is why you put either an censored version or have the character cover up exposed parts, during battle. Hell you can even do it in a comical way, OH WAIT. This especially apparent during one episode, where the characters have a contest to see who is 'miss Pandora' or who can expose the most amount of skin without being buck naked. How?! How can this anime take itself so seriously? I mean with an episode like this, I just, I can't. Look an anime like Sekirei or hell even high-school DXD are able to be funny. They are equally as guilty of the multicolored spotlights that randomly appear, but at least they are funny about it. At least they can have a sense of humor! Anyway coming back to where I should've been this entire time, the anime sports impressive character designs, and fluid combat animation, except during running, where the characters seemingly bob up and down rapidly to move. Really, how do you expect me to be worried or even tense during a fight scene where the object of the exercise really seems to flash the audience as much as possible. It's not the only anime to do this, but even so this really annoys me! Not only this but the series itself does take the fights seriously, by throwing gallons of blood in along the way. Why the hell are you showing me a character turned into bloody ribbons, while still flashing her boobs at me?! It's to the point where I can't take the action scenes seriously, and at the same time can't even enjoy the fan-service, because of the blinding rays of light, and crimson blood painting my screen!  So yeah this anime looks good, if only to emphasize the boob physics and sexy time moments. 

Sound--Apparently they spent too much money on the boob physics, because the main theme is recycled into the soundtrack constantly. No! This may seem like a minor complaint, and on the whole it is, but everything in this anime threatens to give me a stroke! Yes other anime have done this, but when other anime do it they do it at the end, or when it matters. In freezing it is heard constantly! I mean the other OSTs are well done, so why not use them, why not create you very own sad OST?! Why recycle the opening?!

Plot--The best part is that this anime tries to have a plot. Normally i would be okay with this. In fact for an anime like this to have a plot it should be something of a pleasant surprise, but it isn't! Okay so the Nova of this anime are really nothing we haven't seen before. They feel like some sort of Evangelion rip-off, down to the way they have sort of a choir humming sound when they attack. Maybe its because we've seen exactly what the sort of humans-pushed-to-the-brink-of-extinction- thing can be with something like Attack on titan, but the plot was so disappointing. In an anime like AoT or Evangelion, the cool thing about the enemy was that even when they weren't there they were. They we're a constant presence, and the thought of them being able to appear at any moment and inflict countless casualties on the humans was something I really enjoyed. This ones however are sorta referenced at the beginning and then thrown into the backseat, as melodrama and fan-service take their place. Then at the end the writer realizes "Oh shit I had some kinda plot back there, didn't I? Okay well here you go!" It's so abrupt, so jarring, it felt as though I was watching a different anime. Then the fan-service started slapping my face again and I realized what I was watching. The whole idea is that humans have been pushed to the brink by an unknown enemy and the only way to survive is to have girls called Pandora who are the only hope partnered with limiters who can do things called freezing which means that they yell 'freezing' and freeze things, and they have to be baptized which really means sex, and ughhh. Moving on.
What a finisher

Characters-- Well hmmm. Not sure how I want to approach this one. the characters aren't typical sorta. I mean Satelizer is one who is sorta your tsundere, but a little bit more deep. She has a dark past that while intriguing, doesn't get expanded upon in the first season. The other main characters are Kazuya, every harem lead ever, and Rana, who is voiced by Kana Hanazawa who is known for being Charlotte in Infinite Stratos, Kuroneko in Oreimo, and other well known roles. She is the only enjoyable character in the series. Not to say she's a good character, but the scenes she's in are made much more enjoyable by her presence. There isn't a ton of character development, but that's to be expected. They also have this thing called a limiter, who can yell Freezing and freeze everybody.  

This is my first really negative review. No this is the first anime I've watched that I really, really do not like. While Oreimo really got my blood boiling at the end, throughout the rest of the series I was really enjoying myself. Aside from a few moments where the action wasn't overly sexual, or where some vague comedy happened or with Rana, I was bored or tearing my hair out. The worst part is that this anime could've been good. the premise, while old, is still something that can be done well, an example being AoT. the action and production values were enough so that this anime could've been amazing on a technical level. The characters had a good amount of back-story, which in fairness could be improved during the next season. As for fan-service, all the anime has to do is go one way or the other. Keep the fan-service, but just tone it done when it really matters. Don't have the ridiculous blood and violence. Fight scenes can be violent but only when they need to be. You don't need to have both elements. If you want the violence, then keep it, just tone down the fan-service. Add a bit more humor, even a super serious show like AoT had moments where it was funny. At it's current state however I cannot recommend this anime. Hell, until I see that this anime has more to offer, I'm going to say that you shouldn't watch this anime.

 if you like this show, but this is my honest view of it. Thanks for reading, if you liked this review feel free to leave a like, a comment, or a follow.    

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Super fanboy rant with Shakugan No Shana


On a more serious tone, I've been seeing a ton of people calling this anime overrated, and not that good of a series, and from a critical standpoint I can see it. It suffers from pacing, some bland character design, a plot that can be too complex sometimes, and too simple at others. If i was a critic i would be hissing, with me hands in a cross motion, while waving around holy water, but I'm not. I'm a guy who has a blog, and that blog has this guy's opinions. So my Opinion of Shakugan no Shana is very simply this: It is my favorite anime of all time. As someone show enjoys watching anime I just love the show. I mean, generally I am not a harsh critic, generally (though my next review is going to be pretty damn harsh) in fact most anime I just enjoy. I'm happy with pretty much any anime. Why is this? I like to think that of any medium of storytelling, anime is very much subjective. More so than other forms of entertainment. Yes, there are those anime which are just universally hated, but i still stand by my point. I really don't have nay evidence to support this, and I'm really to sick to do so, but yeah... I could go on to justify my love for this anime, but I don't want to. In the end with a show like this, I just love it for what it is. I think all of us have something like this. Whether it be a show, a book, a song, a movie, whatever. There is some kind of piece of entertainment out there that strikes a chord with us. i don't know why. Or rather there are reasons, why but i don't want to get into them. I don't want to pick apart everything about it, saying this is good, and this is bad, because if I were to do that, the show would be ruined for me. I say this because, as a reviewer I know that there's a lot wrong about the show, but as a person it remains the best anime in existence. I speak only for myself here, but hear me out. When reviewing something I find I will like it less than I did previously. This is because I'm dissecting each and every little bit about it, figuring out what is good and what is bad. This is because when I review something, it is not for me. It is to try to look at it from the opposing side. I have to look at everything both ways, and that can ruin the experience for me. For instance in my recent review of Btooom! I found a few flaws with the show by reviewing it. Where I had come into the review, expecting a 10/10 GUYSH AMAZING PIECE OF ART!, I actually ended up coming out of it, a little less enthusiastic. So that's that, this isn't a review, though I encourage you to watch Shakugan no Shana, in all seriousness, even from a critical standpoint, the show isn't really bad. I mean it has great action sequences, not as much fanservice as I expected, good comedy, amazing OST with a saxophone in it, and romance that to this day still gives me the feels. So there we go. Thanks for looking at this, I have other real reviews, down below somewhere. 

Until next time!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Review choices/ Scheme to get you to comment

So finally I finished the Btooom! Review!
Anyway, to try to encourage you guys to comment I’m gonna have a thing where every week, I’ll give you three choices for what you want me to review. I’ll try to do a vote thing, but with the amount of viewers i have, I’m not so sure i can (not so subtle hint). Anyhow,

1) Bakemonogatari/Nisemonogatari
Impossible to describe. Can’t, nope.
2) Suisei no Gargantia/Gargantia on the Veredous Planet
Cool sci-fi thing, really good score.
3) and...Free! Iwatobi Swim
Just...just...look at the picture.
Well, Please comment on what I should review!

Btooom! Anime Review

So I've been doing a ton of slice of life reviews so I thought I'd mix it up a bit here it is anime called Btooom! Which is Certainly not Slice of life. As always the point of this review is to increase the popularity of the show, and hopefully excite another season out of the Manga so here goes. Oh and sorry for not updating for a while! Been really busy, but with break coming up hopefully I can do a lot more.


 After anything really damn popular, there is a emergence of demented knock-off cash grabs. This is the exact reason why I'm avoiding things like Log Horizon or anything that has the word MMO, or Video Game in it. So I came into Btooom! With the mindset of: This is going to be a half an hour that I am really going to want back. Here's the kicker, I was right. By the time I had finished the first episode, I had decided to drop the anime. Nothing in it surprised me, or changed my mind about the premise. It was so boring! Three months later, and I watched the second episode and I realized i might have been a little off. Okay a lot off. So here's the thesis, Btooom! is a very good survival game anime that combines great character development, lush environment, crisp animation, and tactical action scenes. Not only is it not a rip-off of SAO but it is one of the most unique anime out this year.
Such Unique!
First off if you're into these kind of survival games, like Mirrai Nikki, Eden of the East, or shameless Battle Royale rip-offs, you will like this anime. The game largely revolves around the concept of having an PVP game along the lines of Assassin's Creed or other tactical PvPs except in real life. Now don't get me wrong, the concept is nothing new, however with the anime still has a fresh feel to it given how little survival anime are out nowadays. Oh, and don't try to call AOT a survival anime because it's not. There are some cool tactics, and some nice visuals, but what really hooked me was the characters and their backstories, but let's go with the basics first.

Animation--The animation of this anime is superbly executed. The explosions are pretty, the character models nice, and the environment really selling the idea that these people are isolated in a tropical paradise. Yes there is fan-service, but there isn't so much of it so that it gets in the way of what's happening. The animations is shown at its best when it is showing off the spectacular action scenes, where great camera work, combined with smart tactics make up some of the more tense scenes in the anime. The actions revolve around the concept of using bombs as weapons. A wide variety of bombs make for interesting combat encounters and tactics. The brutality in this anime is smart, explosions are realistic as long as said explosions are not applied the main character. Seriously the guy can survive any number of explosions, though a fair amount are explained. The fact of the matter is that there is no tension when it comes to the main character. This is a problem with a lot of survival stories, but this one in particular occurs too often. See the main character Sakamoto, is usually the one doing the fighting, and since it's impossible for him to die, there is a lot less tension. In any case, aside from this, the action scenes are really enjoyable.
Those explosions

Survival--Well this is a survival anime, so how does it hold up? Well it's good. I mean I'm someone who's starved for Survival games, so this kind of anime is always enjoyable to me. As i said previously, the survival itself is somewhat limited due the the inclusion of a main character. Like a lot of survival games, it tries to convey that humans will do whatever it takes to survive. Characters have motivation and the will to survive, and to do this they will kill each other, back-stab old friends, and Deceive. It seems that a theme of this anime is that to survive, you must give up your humanity in order to do so. You must violate things considered holy in a society like the one we live in. Anything you were back there doesn't matter, all that matters is that you stay alive. At the same time I didn't feel as though there was any real scramble for resources.  Personally I think that the anime would have benefited with an all-around likeable cast, because as it stands, the only ones who are likeable are the main character, Himiko, and Tiara. Think Fate/Zero. So as a survival, it's good, but there are better.

Sound--Really damn good, some suburb voice acting and interesting OST enhance the anime. Don't know what else to say here... Oh! the opening is done by Nano? Or something and is pretty damn amazing, so don't skip it.

Characters--The star of the show. The characters in this anime are really quite good. You have the stoic protagonist who is somehow a neet and proves that all those hours you plugged into the latest call of duty will finally pay off. However there is reason for him being like this that is briefly, but powerfully explained. You see the reason that everyone went the Island in the first place was because someone wanted them there. It is explained that someone wanted them to disappear for one reason or another. It creates an interesting environment, because it meant that everyone has sinned, and that no-ones innocent. Their crimes range from being a straight up rapist/ serial killer, to being abusive to one's mother after a divorce. This again adds to the whole tension between characters. As the series progresses, the relationships between characters becomes strained, leading to a finale, that while expected, was pretty damn emotional The show doesn't avoid the gritty stuff here, so If you're looking for something where all the characters say nyan as if it's a f***ing period, you came to the wrong place. Btooom! doesn't ignore things like rape, or serial killing or any kind of dark gritty theme. For that the characters feel much more mature than say, I don't know Shinji. One thing I will say is that the main character adapts to the game really damn quickly. While this makes sense plot-wise, I still think its a tad unrealistic. 

So my final thoughts. Dammit I love this anime. First impressions aside, this anime proves exactly how good survival anime can be, while still introducing some character elements that make you care who wins and loses. The only real complaint that I have is that there are a bunch of immortals, but its such a minor complaint on the whole. This anime is strongly recommended by me. it can be found on Crunchyroll. Thanks for reading, and it would be much appreciated if you could like this or follow me or whatever.  

Monday, November 18, 2013

Go watch (3)/Apology

Sorry for not Updating, I have a review of Btooom! Incoming, but I'm not done with it yet! 

So instead here's some anime you should watch!

Golden Time-- One of those anime that starts slow but gets good pretty damn, fast. It has some pretty touching moments, and some interesting characters. It's not for everyone, but I really like it.

Steins Gate--an anime that's too popular for me to review, but not for me to recommend. Really good time travel anime, about the most charismatic mad scientist in history. Has a surprisingly good plot, though its slow to get into. Oh and the voice actor, is the same as Setsuna from Gundam 00, soooooo....

Valvrave season 2--No, I completely refuse to recommend season 1, but season 2 on the other hand I can recommend wholeheartedly. It has stunning action sequences, no more school Bullsh*t  and a plot that moves! Oh yeah, and Haruto has finally learned how to suck it up and stop whining! All that's left is for Shinji to get in the f****ing robot and we'll be all set. it also has character designs from the creator of D gray man, who still refuses to put out another volume.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Go watch (2)

Go watch My mental choice! I already said this, but really it's soooooo good!

Also Outbreak company is something that seems pretty cool, I mean it's a solid concept guess I'll explain these a bit.

Outbreak company--an otaku's dream job, getting paid to teach about anime and manga. Ok so guy goes to another world in order to introduce Japan's culture to the other world. Fun fantasy/romance/comedy

I couldn't become a hero so I reluctantly decided to get a job.
Has anyone seen the devil is a part-timer? Because this anime is basically that, except with a hero, instead of a villain. I'll probably do a review on it anyway.

Samurai Flamenco!--Alright so remember when I said that we all have fantasies in my Oreshura review? No? Well go read it then! Anyhow, this is having fantasies, and then taking to the next level. It's basically Kick Ass the anime, albeit with a lot less blood, a lot more comedy, and...okay there aren't many similarities, but it's still a fun amateur superhero show!
When I said superhero, kinda meant running around at night harassing people who don't put out their trash at the right hour

My mental choice--So this guy has something called the absolute choice, which means he has to choose between two actions, or else suffer large amounts of pain. Leads to some pretty damn awesome least for the viewer. I mean in the very least you can give it points for originality.  This anime so far has been light on the romance, but (and to stress this I will use Italics, bold and caps) IT'S SO DAMN FUNNY

This caption has no purpose whatsoever and is here only to waste two seconds of you life

SPOILERS! Mass Effect the Anime SPOILERS!

Sorry can't do a review Tonight too busy, but here's a rant about why I hate the ending of Oreimo

 So this is an impression on the last few episodes of Oreimo so if you're planning on watching the show STOP READING NOW. This rant is taken from a super biased point of view. While in reviewing an anime I try to see things from points of view that are not my own as well, in this i am expressing my own opinion. In my review of Oreimo I mentioned that I hated the ending. Well here I'm going to attempt to justify this. 

Hey! So the last three episodes of Oreimo came out and i would Like to give my impressions of them. Now I think that the series as a whole has been pretty good. It had a some funny moments and some interesting characters. Now I may get sent to flame hell for this but of all the characters Kirino is the most boring. We only see her as a character at the very end, with an entire episode dedicated to fleshing her out and making her motivations seem realistic. In the rest of the series she is a typical Tsundere who has little development. While in the first season she serves as a doorway into the Otaku community in Japan, she isn’t developed very much throughout the course of the series. She seems like a cardboard cutout of other tsunderes. Even when her motivations for being so cold are revealed I can safely say I enjoyed the moments with the other characters more.  The twelfth and fourteenth to last episodes were really good. I say this because each time Kyousuke rejected someone it hit me on an emotional level, because it was all for his one true love, right? Riiiiiiiight? Ha ha, we’ll get to that later. Seeing Kuroneko and Ayase being rejected gave me some feels and I honestly felt bad for them.  Now we get to the good stuff. For any of you who are going to watch the OVAs no matter how much I try to stop you stop reading here. From the title you probably guessed that the primary pairing of the series was going to be Kyosuke and Kirino. So while I personally would rather it be the Kureneko route, the anime goes down the Kirino route. The problem is that it screws it up.  So Kyousuke does the whole confession thing and everything’s good happy stuff, yay all you people who ship those two (If you couldn’t tell I don’t really). They go to a hotel room where they agree on something unspoken. They graduate and everything’s happy. Manami and Kirino have their fight. I would say this is the best part of the series thus far. This part makes you think while keeping you engaged. It does a good job of redeeming Manami and you can genuinely see both sides of the argument.   
I didn't see this shot that well when I first saw it, because I was too busy flipping the table my laptop was sitting on.
It provides some interesting social commentary here: just how far can society control emotions? Excuse me for getting into a bit of deep stuff, but humor me here. With the recent legalization of gay marriage in various places around the world we have recently bucked a age old trend of hating on gay people. Something that has been considered to be unnatural has been changed. In the same way Kyousuke shows in these episodes that he realizes what boundaries society has set up, but decides to ignore them because he has something more important. Now, not to say I agree that Incest is wincest, but it’s an interesting point. I can respect someone who expresses themselves like that, because its what they honestly feel. Now here’s where it starts to fall apart. Kirino suggests that they should graduate, get married and then get back to being normal siblings. I’m sorry, but WHAT THE F**K?! Why have all this drama, all this tension keeping it a secret and all that, even having a fist-fight, just to go back to normal? Here it seems like the author really just wanted to be in the middle. I think he didn’t want to be controversial or something like that, and that’s why he made it like this. It feels lazy. What was the point of the huge arguement with Manami if they were just going to go back to being normal in a few months? Instead of fighting and rejecting Manami or any of the other girls, why didn’t he tell them that it was just temporary? I could sort of see it if the relationship was to be kept a secret from then on, but they just decide to go back to being normal siblings. Why confess your feelings, why have a fake wedding, why go through all the trouble of breaking every girl’s heart just to go back to being normal? Why? What is the point? the problem with the ending is that it makes everything feel utterly pointless. Goddammit I would have even preferred a sad ending, where Kirino or Kyosuke straight up says that they can’t be together. It would’ve made it into an emotionally satisfying ending. Now I bet that some people will say that it was a sad very well done ending where they both realize that it wasn’t meant to be and that even though they harbor romantic feelings toward each other they are trapped by society’s laws and therefore must return to being siblings. For those of you who believe that, why the hell did Kyousuke say that he would defy all of society’s laws because he cared for something even more? If not for that scene I would say that is plausible, but it straight up isn’t. Is it so hard to make a good ending? Seriously I think this guy was taking lessons from Bioware on how to make an ending. Hell, you could even have a split good-bad ending path, the way it is with visual novels. One where they do decide to screw society and another where they don’t. I had a pretty good opinion of Oreimo, but with the ending it was hard for me to look back on the memories I had as fun. Think about most romance anime. The finale, the conclusion, the climax is what always leaves a lasting impression. Its that moment that you always reflect on. yes, the rest of the anime may be good, even spectacular, but the ending is always the most memorable So yes the ending of this anime is memorable—but for all the wrong reasons. The way it resolves the harem problem—by rejecting all of the members, is one of the most touching and heart-wrenching moments I've seen in an Anime. Then it's flat out ruined by the ending. So this is the main reason why Oreimo will always be a good anime to me, and never a great one.
This didn't have to happen

This didn't have to happen

This didn't have to happen, though I'm so glad it did.

Thanks for Reading!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Oreshura Anime Review

Would anything come to mind if I were to say Oreshura? As much as i would love you to say “OH ITS THAT COOL ANIME THAT CAME OUT LAST JANUARY WOW I LOVE THAT SHOW” I know that that may not be the case. That of course is the point of this review. In fact seeing as the story of this anime isn’t complete, the purpose of this review is to get another season. Sooooo, guess what kind of recommendation I’m going to give for this show. Oreshura is a 2013 anime developed by A-1 pictures known for their work on Sword Art Online, one of the more popular anime of 2012-2013 as well as Birdy the Mighty decode, and various other works. Simply put they have a good history of solid if not brilliant looking animation quality.

Animation- This shows! I mean it is a slice of life, so the flat out amazing fight scenes in anime such as Birdy the Mighty and SAO are not going to be seen here. The anime does however set itself apart from its competition with its colorful and vibrant art style. The Anime in general has a bright artstyle. In terms of character animations, they look good and cute. They aren’t in the realm of a studio that specializes in Slice of Life like Kyoto Animation, but they fit the role that they were intended to fill nicely. I have to give props to the hair animation in particular. It may not have the physics of HOTD’s breasts, but it certainly looks good. Where does this anime excel in animation, that would be during the hilarious fantasy scenes. But I’ll get to that later. These sequences fit into the anime fluidly and feel distinct enough from the rest of the anime, without departing from the tone the anime presents itself with.

Story-Slice of life, need I say more? Actually i think i might have to. You see there isn’t as much of a plot in this anime as there is a concept i really like. Eita is a kid who doesn’t want to get involved with love for fear of it becoming too much of an obstacle in his goal of becoming a doctor. Things take a turn for the worst when Eita loses his notebook, which contains all his fantasies. Now be honest. We’ve all dreamed of being some cool looking superhero who gets all the girls ( Or boys, if you’re a girl or swing that way) and defeats all the bad guys with a gritty battle cry and a solid Kamehameha or two. Eita is the same, his fantasy self--or past self as he likes to put it-- is a Wyvern fighting badass known simply as Burning Fighting fighter. He is of course surrounded by beautiful girls who could not be more in love with him if they tried. Yeah this is true for the real anime too. Anyhow, Eita becomes entrapped as the most popular girl in the school holds him her fake boyfriend, using the notebook which houses his fantasies as hostage. You see she gets asked out so often, she wants someone to have someone to get the suitors away. So Eita is the answer. I won’t spoil anything, but like any good slice of life, it has some pretty good character developments toward the end. Speaking of which—

Characters-- A slice of life has to have good characters. Does this anime have them? Yes and no. Let me dissect this. I mean you have the childhood friend, the Tsundere pulling a Tsukiko on us ( if you get that reference I will love you forever), and two abnormals. One could be described as the quiet one, but her true role is to act as the counterpart to Eita’s Burning Fighting Fighter. Let’s be honest, whoever thought of the name Burning Pudding Princess, deserves a medal. It’s clear that each of the characters have something more to them than meets the eye even though it may not be explicitly stated. This is only my interpretation, but it seems to me that Himeka seems to attach to Eita as a way to make up for what she is lacking. Where as he is bold and outspoken, she is quiet and self conscious. Yeah that’s a little far fetched, but hey I need to try to feel smart sometimes. None of the characters are overdeveloped and none are underdeveloped. Each gets a fair amount of screentime. Even the main heroine has something more to her. All of the characters serve and play into comic relief. Eita serves as straight man with the rest of the wacky cast, and also as comic relief when he dons his Burning Fighting Fighter facade. Masuzu serves as comic relief with her sharp tongue reminiscent of Senjougahara from Bakemonogatari. She also will read from Eita’s Journal at various points throughout the anime. These sections are fantastic, and as i stated previously got the majority of the laughs from me. Not only did it bring back memories of my own fantasies, but the sequences also parodied other more serious Harem, Action Anime, as well as genre concurrent stereotypes. I’m not going to describe all the other characters, not because they’re not good, but because I don’t want to bore you to death with the sheer amount of text. Okay maybe its because i don’t want to write anymore, but that’s not the point! The point is that all of the characters are good!

Romance--Here we go! The moment you’ve all been waiting for! Romance! The Romance in Oreshura is interesting. I mean it doesn’t follow the Harem rule sets of fan-service for the main, served with a little fan-service and with a petite amount of fan-service for desert. Instead it opts for the emotional route, something I appreciate a lot more. What I mean by this is that interactions between characters are either comedic without fan-service being involved, and that the other scenes are more serious moments that you commonly find in Anime. At the same time however it is a Harem anime, which does mean there is going to be a ridiculous amount of girls vying for Eita’s affection. Now at the top of this post I mentioned that this Anime isn’t finished. So what that means is that the Romance in this anime has not been concluded. However from what I’ve seen so far, I must say that the Romance is good. maybe it’s just that it’s a harem anime, but I didn’t find myself as invested in the romance as I did other romance anime of 2013, such as The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat, or Susei no Gargantia. However i will say that the feels hit fast and hard toward the end of the Anime. The only other moment that stood out to me for the Romantic nature of the scene was during the end of the Tsundere’s episodes.

Sound--Well hate to leave this review without a climax, but I dunno about the sound. I mean the voice acting is good all around, with Ryōta Ōsaka doing exceptionally well throughout, and the voice actor for Masuzu being very good as the superior Senjogahara. As for soundtracks, none really stand out to me. This isn’t a bad thing, i mean at least it didn’t distract me from the anime, but it didn’t stand out either. Oh and that opening. After watching it 13 times I feel as if my masculinity has been ripped straight out of me.

Soooooo, I give this Anime A hearty recommendation! If you’re looking for a fun slice of life Romantic comedy, you’re in luck! Just don’t come in looking for a satisfying conclusion. Then again who knows? Maybe if enough people watch it we will get another season (HINT HINT)

Anyway Thanks For Looking At My Review!     


Friday, November 15, 2013

Go Watch!

Can't do a review on it yet, cause y'know it's not over, but go watch it! It's certainly different. I mean I'm not sure if you should call it a romance, but as for comedy...

On another note arpeggio of blue steel, another anime that needs more support is in dire need of support! It's a cool Naval Sci-fi thing w/ some romance, cause why not? After the first episode it gets really good.

Both anime can be found on Crunchyroll! 

Oh and I'll Post an Oreshura Review Tomorrow, but for now I'm gonna go to bed, so go watch anime!