Friday, November 22, 2013

Freezing Anime Review

Sorry for the horrible formatting but this anime appears to be cursed. Since trying to review this my computer has frozen multiple times, the format is out of whack and the whole thing's one bloody mess, so my apologies. Freezing. Oh god why? Okay I'm sorry I know that I said that I would only be doing positive reviews on this blog, but after getting ten episodes into the first season of freezing, I have gathered one question, why the hell does this exist? Okay know I know I shouldn't rant to much, and that i need to support my ravings with actual content, but this show is so bad! So here we go, my first negative review, and with the fact that there is a second season of this show out, it may not be the last. I would add more pictures, but my computer is freezing on me (no pun intended) No really I can't.

Freezing is that kind of anime. At one point or another you've all seen them, the fan service before anything shows, where plot and tension are as rare as the Bengal tiger. This came to me as a surprise, after hearing from a friend that this show has a plot, and good action. He told me that the anime was serious, and while it did have comedy it took itself seriously. He told me that I should watched it due to the angel-like enemies. He was right. The anime was very serious, and it would have been better if it wasn't. An anime where the damage to a character can be gauged on the amount of clothing that they still have on, is not something to be taken seriously, right Dragon Ball Z? Anyhow, let's move onto the actual review, so i don't sound like a Posh, brandy swirling critic, who can somehow pull out fancy words while still having his head up his a**. I digress
Fight scenes in a nutshell

Animation: This is from the perspective of someone who watch the censored version, because whenever possible I try to watch the official source, cause y'know its free and I'm supporting the anime. I would tell you that this anime had amazing battles that remained both tactical engaging and visually stunning, except for the fact that ninety percent of the time my screen was filled with blinding pillars of light! This exact reason is why you put either an censored version or have the character cover up exposed parts, during battle. Hell you can even do it in a comical way, OH WAIT. This especially apparent during one episode, where the characters have a contest to see who is 'miss Pandora' or who can expose the most amount of skin without being buck naked. How?! How can this anime take itself so seriously? I mean with an episode like this, I just, I can't. Look an anime like Sekirei or hell even high-school DXD are able to be funny. They are equally as guilty of the multicolored spotlights that randomly appear, but at least they are funny about it. At least they can have a sense of humor! Anyway coming back to where I should've been this entire time, the anime sports impressive character designs, and fluid combat animation, except during running, where the characters seemingly bob up and down rapidly to move. Really, how do you expect me to be worried or even tense during a fight scene where the object of the exercise really seems to flash the audience as much as possible. It's not the only anime to do this, but even so this really annoys me! Not only this but the series itself does take the fights seriously, by throwing gallons of blood in along the way. Why the hell are you showing me a character turned into bloody ribbons, while still flashing her boobs at me?! It's to the point where I can't take the action scenes seriously, and at the same time can't even enjoy the fan-service, because of the blinding rays of light, and crimson blood painting my screen!  So yeah this anime looks good, if only to emphasize the boob physics and sexy time moments. 

Sound--Apparently they spent too much money on the boob physics, because the main theme is recycled into the soundtrack constantly. No! This may seem like a minor complaint, and on the whole it is, but everything in this anime threatens to give me a stroke! Yes other anime have done this, but when other anime do it they do it at the end, or when it matters. In freezing it is heard constantly! I mean the other OSTs are well done, so why not use them, why not create you very own sad OST?! Why recycle the opening?!

Plot--The best part is that this anime tries to have a plot. Normally i would be okay with this. In fact for an anime like this to have a plot it should be something of a pleasant surprise, but it isn't! Okay so the Nova of this anime are really nothing we haven't seen before. They feel like some sort of Evangelion rip-off, down to the way they have sort of a choir humming sound when they attack. Maybe its because we've seen exactly what the sort of humans-pushed-to-the-brink-of-extinction- thing can be with something like Attack on titan, but the plot was so disappointing. In an anime like AoT or Evangelion, the cool thing about the enemy was that even when they weren't there they were. They we're a constant presence, and the thought of them being able to appear at any moment and inflict countless casualties on the humans was something I really enjoyed. This ones however are sorta referenced at the beginning and then thrown into the backseat, as melodrama and fan-service take their place. Then at the end the writer realizes "Oh shit I had some kinda plot back there, didn't I? Okay well here you go!" It's so abrupt, so jarring, it felt as though I was watching a different anime. Then the fan-service started slapping my face again and I realized what I was watching. The whole idea is that humans have been pushed to the brink by an unknown enemy and the only way to survive is to have girls called Pandora who are the only hope partnered with limiters who can do things called freezing which means that they yell 'freezing' and freeze things, and they have to be baptized which really means sex, and ughhh. Moving on.
What a finisher

Characters-- Well hmmm. Not sure how I want to approach this one. the characters aren't typical sorta. I mean Satelizer is one who is sorta your tsundere, but a little bit more deep. She has a dark past that while intriguing, doesn't get expanded upon in the first season. The other main characters are Kazuya, every harem lead ever, and Rana, who is voiced by Kana Hanazawa who is known for being Charlotte in Infinite Stratos, Kuroneko in Oreimo, and other well known roles. She is the only enjoyable character in the series. Not to say she's a good character, but the scenes she's in are made much more enjoyable by her presence. There isn't a ton of character development, but that's to be expected. They also have this thing called a limiter, who can yell Freezing and freeze everybody.  

This is my first really negative review. No this is the first anime I've watched that I really, really do not like. While Oreimo really got my blood boiling at the end, throughout the rest of the series I was really enjoying myself. Aside from a few moments where the action wasn't overly sexual, or where some vague comedy happened or with Rana, I was bored or tearing my hair out. The worst part is that this anime could've been good. the premise, while old, is still something that can be done well, an example being AoT. the action and production values were enough so that this anime could've been amazing on a technical level. The characters had a good amount of back-story, which in fairness could be improved during the next season. As for fan-service, all the anime has to do is go one way or the other. Keep the fan-service, but just tone it done when it really matters. Don't have the ridiculous blood and violence. Fight scenes can be violent but only when they need to be. You don't need to have both elements. If you want the violence, then keep it, just tone down the fan-service. Add a bit more humor, even a super serious show like AoT had moments where it was funny. At it's current state however I cannot recommend this anime. Hell, until I see that this anime has more to offer, I'm going to say that you shouldn't watch this anime.

 if you like this show, but this is my honest view of it. Thanks for reading, if you liked this review feel free to leave a like, a comment, or a follow.    

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