Sunday, November 17, 2013

SPOILERS! Mass Effect the Anime SPOILERS!

Sorry can't do a review Tonight too busy, but here's a rant about why I hate the ending of Oreimo

 So this is an impression on the last few episodes of Oreimo so if you're planning on watching the show STOP READING NOW. This rant is taken from a super biased point of view. While in reviewing an anime I try to see things from points of view that are not my own as well, in this i am expressing my own opinion. In my review of Oreimo I mentioned that I hated the ending. Well here I'm going to attempt to justify this. 

Hey! So the last three episodes of Oreimo came out and i would Like to give my impressions of them. Now I think that the series as a whole has been pretty good. It had a some funny moments and some interesting characters. Now I may get sent to flame hell for this but of all the characters Kirino is the most boring. We only see her as a character at the very end, with an entire episode dedicated to fleshing her out and making her motivations seem realistic. In the rest of the series she is a typical Tsundere who has little development. While in the first season she serves as a doorway into the Otaku community in Japan, she isn’t developed very much throughout the course of the series. She seems like a cardboard cutout of other tsunderes. Even when her motivations for being so cold are revealed I can safely say I enjoyed the moments with the other characters more.  The twelfth and fourteenth to last episodes were really good. I say this because each time Kyousuke rejected someone it hit me on an emotional level, because it was all for his one true love, right? Riiiiiiiight? Ha ha, we’ll get to that later. Seeing Kuroneko and Ayase being rejected gave me some feels and I honestly felt bad for them.  Now we get to the good stuff. For any of you who are going to watch the OVAs no matter how much I try to stop you stop reading here. From the title you probably guessed that the primary pairing of the series was going to be Kyosuke and Kirino. So while I personally would rather it be the Kureneko route, the anime goes down the Kirino route. The problem is that it screws it up.  So Kyousuke does the whole confession thing and everything’s good happy stuff, yay all you people who ship those two (If you couldn’t tell I don’t really). They go to a hotel room where they agree on something unspoken. They graduate and everything’s happy. Manami and Kirino have their fight. I would say this is the best part of the series thus far. This part makes you think while keeping you engaged. It does a good job of redeeming Manami and you can genuinely see both sides of the argument.   
I didn't see this shot that well when I first saw it, because I was too busy flipping the table my laptop was sitting on.
It provides some interesting social commentary here: just how far can society control emotions? Excuse me for getting into a bit of deep stuff, but humor me here. With the recent legalization of gay marriage in various places around the world we have recently bucked a age old trend of hating on gay people. Something that has been considered to be unnatural has been changed. In the same way Kyousuke shows in these episodes that he realizes what boundaries society has set up, but decides to ignore them because he has something more important. Now, not to say I agree that Incest is wincest, but it’s an interesting point. I can respect someone who expresses themselves like that, because its what they honestly feel. Now here’s where it starts to fall apart. Kirino suggests that they should graduate, get married and then get back to being normal siblings. I’m sorry, but WHAT THE F**K?! Why have all this drama, all this tension keeping it a secret and all that, even having a fist-fight, just to go back to normal? Here it seems like the author really just wanted to be in the middle. I think he didn’t want to be controversial or something like that, and that’s why he made it like this. It feels lazy. What was the point of the huge arguement with Manami if they were just going to go back to being normal in a few months? Instead of fighting and rejecting Manami or any of the other girls, why didn’t he tell them that it was just temporary? I could sort of see it if the relationship was to be kept a secret from then on, but they just decide to go back to being normal siblings. Why confess your feelings, why have a fake wedding, why go through all the trouble of breaking every girl’s heart just to go back to being normal? Why? What is the point? the problem with the ending is that it makes everything feel utterly pointless. Goddammit I would have even preferred a sad ending, where Kirino or Kyosuke straight up says that they can’t be together. It would’ve made it into an emotionally satisfying ending. Now I bet that some people will say that it was a sad very well done ending where they both realize that it wasn’t meant to be and that even though they harbor romantic feelings toward each other they are trapped by society’s laws and therefore must return to being siblings. For those of you who believe that, why the hell did Kyousuke say that he would defy all of society’s laws because he cared for something even more? If not for that scene I would say that is plausible, but it straight up isn’t. Is it so hard to make a good ending? Seriously I think this guy was taking lessons from Bioware on how to make an ending. Hell, you could even have a split good-bad ending path, the way it is with visual novels. One where they do decide to screw society and another where they don’t. I had a pretty good opinion of Oreimo, but with the ending it was hard for me to look back on the memories I had as fun. Think about most romance anime. The finale, the conclusion, the climax is what always leaves a lasting impression. Its that moment that you always reflect on. yes, the rest of the anime may be good, even spectacular, but the ending is always the most memorable So yes the ending of this anime is memorable—but for all the wrong reasons. The way it resolves the harem problem—by rejecting all of the members, is one of the most touching and heart-wrenching moments I've seen in an Anime. Then it's flat out ruined by the ending. So this is the main reason why Oreimo will always be a good anime to me, and never a great one.
This didn't have to happen

This didn't have to happen

This didn't have to happen, though I'm so glad it did.

Thanks for Reading!

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