Friday, January 31, 2014

Discussion about casual anime fans

Hey guys, unfortunately I'm not here to review any anime in particular, but more to talk about both casual anime fans as well as some pretentious idiots with a bunch of equally pretentious anime stuck up their asses. So yeah, if you want to look at stuff more about anime and less about discussion, go the next page/scroll down. So in case you didn't notice, this is purely opinion.

So this is a discussion segment. Gather round kids, and pull up your stools, because we're going to have a freaking chat. This rant was originally instigated by a youtuber by the name of Green Eye, who claimed that anyone who watches Attack On Titan, is a casual anime fan. I then asked this youtuber to see if Gigguk, a very influential and popular anime review, was a casual simply for watching AoT. They said yes. You can't hear it, but I'm screaming right now. I'm not even going to go into how stupid this argument is. Here is the link in case you want to follow the discussion. (look under the video anime in 2013) Gotta say at this point I'm pretty sure that this person is a troll, but whatever.

I'm here to address something I find really damn stupid in the anime community. This is the idea that popular anime are only designated for casual viewers. Now for those of you not familiar with the term, casual refers to a person who watches anime without frequency. They are people who skim the surface, not delving into the depths of anime.

Casual fans have developed a bit of a bad reputation among the anime community. More often than not casual fans do not have much experience in anime. So for instance, if a casual anime fan saw something like Naruto, they may call it the best anime ever. Most anime fans, including me, would disagree with this. Naruto is not a bad show, but it isn't the best the anime industry has to offer. Fate/Zero, Monster, or Cowboy Bebop, are just a few critically acclaimed anime that are considered by many to be leagues ahead of something like Naruto. In the end there is a multitude of anime that are more complicated, have a better plot, better action, and most of all don't take over 500 episodes to tell their story. Even among the more concise anime, like Sword Art Online, casual anime fans have the tendency to boost the credibility of an anime through sheer numbers.

Are Casual anime fans a bad thing though? I don't think so. In the end, you just have to be on the lookout for over-hyped anime. While sometimes casuals can do things that really get on my nerves, such as promoting the KiritoxAsuna pairing as the best paring of 2012, generally I'm okay with them. In the end theirs is a positive benefit. First off, casual anime fans help the industry. The sheer amount of casual anime fans out there helps to keep the industry alive.Why the hell is Naruto at the top of Crunchyoll's charts? It is most likely because the majority of the fan base re casuals. I could be mistaken, but I don't think I am.

The second reason why they're good, is because they show promise to stop being casual fans, and delve into the deeper depths of anime. Let's face it; anime is not exactly the easiest thing to get into. the crazy plots, the nonsensical characters, it's all a bit much. Especially at a young age. Casual fans get to sink into the lighter stuff and get comfortable with it before diving into the more hardcore stuff.

Because, let's face it, anime can get pretty crazy

So why is it so bad to be called a casual, if they're in fact a positive influence on the anime community. They're are a few reasons, for why this is the case. Seeing as casual fans by definition do not have a lot of experience, generally undermines your opinion. Think about it like this, would you expect a ten year old who only played call of duty to give an accurate representation of how good the game is? Of course not! If you only know one thing, and you enjoy that one thing, then to you it's the best thing ever! Same with anime. Obviously you still have your opinion, but its weight is undermined with the label of casual.

Replace Naruto, with any anime that another living soul knows about, and you'll get what I'm talking about.

 So we come to the topic of this discussion. To sum up, casual fans are a good thing. While they do have some cons, in general, they're pros far outweigh they're cons. It's not a bad thing to be called a casual anime fan, if you're a casual anime fan. It just means that you're inexperienced, not that you'll stay that way forever. When you really are into the community and involved with it, then it becomes an insult.

Now we come to the other side of the coin. The pretentious assholes, who believe that any anime that is popular is automatically casual. The difference between these guys and casuals, is that while casual anime fans have an excuse, these guys, do not. Now, there are some people who consider a popular anime to be crap for their own reasons. There are people who think Attack on Titan is a horrible series. These people can articulate their points, saying that its a gore fest, with either predictable deaths, or not enough development to make you care for the characters before they die. While I may disagree, I respect their opinion. But, when anyone blows off anyone who watches a show, just because it's popular, I cannot respect them. Another anime where this happened was Sword Art Online, where the same incident happened. Now if you've read my review (which is right below this one) you'd know that while I thought it was overrated, I genuinely liked the show. Now, I don't want to call myself a hardcore anime fan, because I'm not that involved in the anime community, but I'm certainly not a casual anime fan. I mean after watching something like Wincest the show or Buddha and Jesus as roommates, I can safely say I'm not casual. Yet, just because I liked Sword Art Online, it means my opinions aren't valid?! No! This is something that needs to stop. Not every hardcore anime fan is like this, but there are enough out there, so that I get freaking annoyed.
I was looking for an image for casual anime fans, and I found this...How is this casual? This is one of the most inaccessible anime I've ever watched! What 'casual' fan would watch a show where the entirety is just talking combined with a camera that has the attention of a butterfly?
Take an anime like SAO for instance. A casual fan of the show, may defend it to death despite it's numerous flaws, not admitting that there is anything wrong with it (oh, have I had a bunch of these discussions). At the same time a pretentious asshole, would rip the show to shreds, without recognizing any of the things it does right. I recently read an article on a site called Seventh Style detailing the good and bad anime of 2013. I don't want to delve too deep into it, but let's just say that I have more fingers than the amount of positive things they have to say. I'm not saying that these guys who run the site are the pretentious assholes I'm writing about, but it sure gave that impression from the article I read.

I could go into more stuff on the matter, but i think I've stirred up enough controversy for today. If you enjoyed or agreed with this, leaving a like, follow, or spreading the word, are all things that would be cool.

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