Sunday, January 12, 2014

Some anime you should watch, becuase it's the new year!

So in case any of you are time travelers from the year 1957, and even more so if you Robin Williams from Jumanji, the year is now 2014. Yes, yes, it's all about the new year, and all the semantics that follow, resolutions and stuff, but screw that! You're probably going to forget all that stuff anyway, so let's talk about something you'll remember--Space Dandy. Okay, okay, a lot of other anime came out in the joyous influx of 2014 anime that pushed My Mental choice and Henneko to the bottom of the popularity list (which I will never forgive them for). 

Space Dandy-- What exactly is the anime in 2014 that deserves the hype it's received? It's Sword Art Online 2, of course! It had an intriguing story, with amazing pacing, and compelling romanc---oh I'm sorry it seems my nose has reached the other side of them room. Yes, the anime is Space Dandy. You can tell you're anime is going to be good when it starts with the words boobies, boobies, boobies, before proceeding to a lecture on how boobs are overrated and how the butt is what really counts. Oh, and then he goes to a restaurant called boobies...insert unimpressed face here. If I've learned anything from Sword Art Online, it's that you can't judge a series on the first few episodes...and here I am judging this anime. Just because this anime is made by the same person who did cowboy bebop, and another person who did Full Metal Alchemist, does not mean that you should be taken to seriously. No, really, the frequency of fourth wall breaks in this anime is roughly the same as the amount of pixels on this screen you're viewing this post on. It's fun, high budget stupidity, that never hides what it is. Seriously, its like the creators saw Kill La Kill being called crazy and said, 'fuck that, we got space cats, breastraunts, and so much other crazy shit in here, that we might have well been smoking pot while watching Pon Pon Pon in pop tart suits with cat masks, while farting rainbows and shouting 'I am the Walrus'' To illustrate this point, a warship consists of the statue of liberty's head with a gag-ball stuffed in it. I rest my case.


Nisekoi-- Developed y studio Shaft, who did the Madoka series and the monogatari series, I think we all know what we're in for. Yes, it is time for the near constant eyegasms, the weird as shit camera angles and enough text to warrant an entire novel. Or at least that's what it should be. Yes, the eyegasms are still present, but they managed to hire a cameraman who doesn't have the attention span of a butterfly. It's a fun romantic comedy, that actually uses a tsundere right. You know nowadays, tsunderes fall in love with the character as soon as they lay eyes on him(Or her if were talking about Kyon). Tsunderes are supposed to hate the main character for the duration of the show, or at least a good part of it. More than this the main character hates the tsundere just as much as she hates him. It makes me love tsunderes again. Oh and it has slap-stick. Glorious, glorious slapstick. Anyhow to show you the awesome animation, and Yakuza gags, here's a video! Go watch this now, it's on crunchyroll! You can skip to 1:12 for the scene, or you could just watch the episode, up to you.

 Recently my sister is unusual-- Also known as Adventures of a girl and her bladder issues, or it might have well have been, because that's all I remember from the first two episodes. After finishing Oreimo, I bet a lot of people are looking for another creepy incest slice of life that is equally creepy in that it's good. Look no further! Except these siblings aren't really siblings, but step-siblings. Okay I'm kind of twisted here. On the one hand, this anime has Yui Ogura in it. In case you don't know she voices Tsutsukakushi in Hentai prince and Stony Cat, which if you don't know already, given the amount of times I've mentioned it is as many as some really clever analogy involving really big numbers, is one of my favorite anime period. On the other hand I had to repeatedly flip back to the tags to make sure that this wasn't porn. This anime takes fanservice to the next level. I mean at least its honest about. It doesn't pretend you came here for anything but fanservice, and cute girls repeating the word onee chan over and over again like a broken record. Except here they sort of dangle the word in front of you, like a carrot attached to a rod. They don't want to overuse it, for fear you'll lose interest. It's okay. Nothing special. As I said earlier, first impressions can be deceiving, so maybe this will pull a rabbit out of a hat.'

World Conquest Zvezda Plot-- If there was an award for most confusing episode, it would be given to this show. It would simultaneously be given the award for most intriguing episode. This anime is about a ten-year-old who wants to conquer the world. Props for the concept. I would love to give my reaction to this episode, but it would consist of me, choking out the words What, the, and f*** between long fits of laughter. Go watch this anime. That's it.

 Well, that's it for stuff I can reccomend this season. No, it's not because all the other anime are crap, it's because I haven't seen any others yet. Okay well I did see Magical Warfare, but that got me the same reaction as above, except without the fits of laughter. 

As usual likes follows, and comments are always fun, and I'll siya next time

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