Tuesday, January 21, 2014

More anime in 2014 that you should watch!

Sooooo, in case any of you are outside the loop, the year is in fact 2014. I know, I was shocked too. And what, you ask, does this mean? Well it means an entirely new issue about the debt ceiling extension expiring in February, some prick in Syria, and finally world hunger, but who cares about that?! More anime came out!

No-Rin-- No other word is there for this anime other than awesome. Great humor, amazing animation, and a great cast is what you have to look forward to. This anime is a lot of fun. Is it deep? Maybe. I'm only about two episodes in, so I couldn't tell you. It's basic premise is interesting. A guy has a crush on an idol. He's been Sending her vegetables, and so she feels obliged to quit being an idol to go live with him. Pure unadulterated fun.

Nobunaga the Fool-- Am I dumb or something?! Really please tell me I am, because this anime has left me with one of two feelings. The first is my inner mech fanboy being like, Holy shit guys! A mech anime! Wow! God the explosions! Life is worth living! And the other is my logical side saying something along the lines of;

 This anime is about A guy named Nobunaga---Wait hold on, what is it with crazy anime and Nobunaga.  I mean first we have Nobunagun, title says it all, then we have a show about a history junkie going back in time to meet a gender bended Oda Nabunaga, freaking hell, he's even a playable character in Pokemon. Anyhow it's got some cool symbolism about stuff years ago. Two worlds east and west (Ya see the symbolism) exist. East isn't nearly as technologically advanced as West (more symbolism) but still has the balls to call the west 'barbarians'. Yes, truly those guys who are traveling through space are barbarians. It's not you guys reveling in all your monarchy filled glory. I mean the anime is fun and all. It's got great animation, and a main character so charismatic, I thought Kamina had come back to life for a second. However I still have this feeling like Japan is trying to make up for the a**-kicking they got back in the day. Does it make it better that I'm Japanese?

Tonari no Seki-kun, or the Master Of Killing Time-- Personally I think the title is bull, because I played God of War, and I'm pretty sure the killer of time isn't this guy, but anyhow. Ever have that one guy in your class who is always screwing around. Then your try to tell him to stop, and you get yelled at? That's this anime in a nutshell, except instead of just screwing around, this guy is making gigantic Domino structures, getting revenge through static electricity and a entire epic tale of revenge and betrayal told through a board game... Did pot get legalized in Japan or something, because god damn there are so many crazy anime coming out this season. Animation is nothing special, but it does have some pretty good voice talent. The voice actor for Connie (attack on titan) and Keima (The World Only Knows) plays the infamous classmate, Seki. I'm kinda surprised at this, because for such a big name voice actor, he really doesn't talk that much during this anime. The other huge talent is Kana Hanaza. Now I don't want to sound like some creep here, but she has such a good voice. She's like Steven Blume, the dude who does Spike Spagiel (or for you gamers, Grunt from Mass Effect), in that way. Whenever she's onscreen, it just sounds good. Okay I'm actually sounding creepy, so maybe I'll just jump ship while I still have one person reading this.

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai Ren-- What?! Kyoto Animation is actually going to finish a series. Get to the arc everyone! 2012 was delayed a bit, but its coming! For those of you who don't know Chuunibyou is a show about your embarrassing child hood moments that you still secretly fantasize about today. Remember when I reviewed Oreshura? What you don't? That's cool, here's a convenient link, hint,freaking hint. This anime is like that, except if it took itself seriously. The first season, in my own petty opinion was slow to start, relying on the same humor as Oreshura, except not doing it as well. The difference was toward the end of the series, where it picked me up, stuck some grass in its mouth, and proceeded to pluck my heart stings like a freaking banjo. So, this is the second season, and while they're are lots of cute moe girls, there isn't a harem! Anyhow, the humor here is much better, and there's a lot more cute romance. Looking for a fun, romantic anime that may or may not rip away at the way you view your childhood, then check this out. 


D-frag--This anime... words cannot describe. This anime...is hilarious. No, I actually don't have anywords, go watch this anime. Not only does it have Hanaza as a freaking Yandere, who might as well be Yuno. No really she's cute and pleasant one second, and the next...gah. It also has the voice actress for Senjygohara, who basically plays the exact same role, down to the purple hair. The guy who plays the main character is pretty damn good too, though I've never heard of him before. I can't describe it.

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